Big "Okie" Howdy to everyone

Dave Beck

New Member
Hello everyone, my name is Dave Beck and I live in central western Oklahoma (Elk City) I work in the oilfiled drilling industry as a manager of a small service company. I have many hobbies, I repair, collect sell and trade antique pocket watches. I collect sell and trade old hit and miss gas engines and I also enjoy the old motor bikes. I have a 2003 Whizzer with a Quenton Guenther cylinder kit and a 1956 Simplex automatic.
hi dave! glad to have you with us. look forward to hearing more about your motorized bicycle. one day i shall have a whizzer. :ride:
Hey somebody in my neighborhood. Welcome to the forum. I'm from Pampa. I've flown into Elk City lots of times. Ya'll have a great Mexican Food restaurant there. Glad your here.......................
Boy are you in for it Bob and I both fly over to Elk City to eat and terrorize the friendly skies you have probably seen us. That is when the air raid sirens go off and the triple A fire starts when we show up. We enjoy these bikes with engine assist we'll have to get together some week end. Pampa to Elk City 40 minutes by airplane. Bob I feel a flight coming on going to have to wax the bird and go visit. How long would it take by bicycle?rotfl The motorcycle would be nice to go visit on or take the truck with the bikes and go play.
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Bob and Norman,

You guys are welcome anytime my house is about 1/2 mile from the airport. Give me a call and I will come pick you guys up....we can head to Lupes or El Charro's for some mexican food.

E-mail me at [email protected] and we will set up a meet. I am off the next 3 days!!!!! yeah....

Just starting my first home built motorized bike need to come give me some tips.

Thanks everyone for the nice welcome!!

Dave Beck