Bicycles4Kids Needs Your Help

I can understand that song. My former wife could have written the words.

What I was thinking is that if you were thinking of reaching for that key you are indeed a brave man.

was kidding...she's not that

22 years of marriage and not one fight, a disagreement sometimes, but never a fight tho,
I wouldn't have her any other way.

Gotta Love the Lil'
Thank heavens they worry about us when we don't worry about ourselves.

Does she have the key taped to a #4 Victory mouse trap because she knows you all too well? LOL

I think it's just a little

OK fellas... I have the motor almost ready to ship. I am missing a few minor parts. If ya got any spare parts layin around let me know. Pappy needs to get these smiles rollin! I have the motor, clutch handle, intake, rag joint and mounts.
If ya got a spare cable or anything ya think may help, let me know. Christmas is around the corner! these kids need to ride just as bad as we do! lol

feel free to PM me with what you can offer. i dont need to much more just some oddball stuff.

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well Pappy... here she is. everything but an exhaust, one stock handgrip and a choke lever. If it were me, I would use different grips anyhow.
the motor is of an unknown brand 66cc with all new quality bolts and nuts, head was lapped and all new gaskets installed upper and lower. ports polished and intake matched. painted engine with hightemp paint. (just because i love the look) :) I hope that your build up goes smooth and you get tons of enjoyment out of her! I appologize for the time it has taken me, life is starting to now settle back down with the new baby boy here. Feel free to hit me up with any questions you have on your build! best of luck to you and god bless!



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