bicycle engine Kit - What NOT to do!

Re: Chinese Bike Kit - What NOT to do!

Hey guys, when I started doing this there were NO manuals!!!

The Chinese did not write that manual, it was written by Don Grube, an american in south China.

This was pirated by our competition early on.

The Chinese do NOT care about us one little bit, all they want is whatever money Don and the Others give them.

please ask me if you have any questions,


Your website is amazing. I love your bikes!

Can you please advise a little on mounting a front drum brake on linkage type springer forks? I have a Spooky tooth with their dual spring springer fork and I see you have mounted a drum brake on a similar fork there in some pics.

OK, I found a metric o ring that did the trick. No more leak! I also added a boost bottle at the same time. Idled alot faster, was able to adjust down enough. Has MUCH more low end power, but still has no top end like it did before. I've been through the carb and found nothing wrong. Plug is burning about brown paper bag color. Compression is 130 psi. ????