Bicycle Cleaning


New Member
I am looking to give my MB a good cleaning this weekend. Does anyone know what kinds of cleaners I would use to clean the engine and bike surfaces. Also, my engine is covered in a nasty, dirty film (greasy feeling) crap from road grime and a leaky tank. What is the best way to clean all of this up?


I use a product from the dollars store called "Kitchen and Bath Cleaner with bleach" it's 1.50 and comes in a spray bottle. Rinse after with water. Fantastik works great, but costs more. A solution of dishwashing liquid and warm water works too.
I find if I keep the ooze level down around the engine, I can spray some WD-40 (yeah I hate the stuff and use it only for a cleaner) on a clean terry towel and just wipe stuff down - my final wipe and lube is with Amsoil MP. If too much ooze builds up, then the grit will stick and youl have to use a cleaner and water (same thing if I hit a mud puddle). For that I use simple green and a hose, very carefully. Then wipe it down with the MP.