been working on this thing for 3 weeks bout to give up chain and sprocket issue

It looks like the lower bolt is covered with bearings from a skateboard right?

The plastic of the tensioner sucks. I am in process of swapping mine out with a skateboard wheel...

IF I were you I'd flip the tensioner to the top bar rather than the bottom. It will decrease your tension and you'll be able to get rid of a few chain links....

To get my sprocket to run for the first time to get the chain on properly I took the plug out, CDI disconnected and used a needle nose vice grip to grab the sprocket. I turned it clockwise first- less compression that way, and yes, it took a lot of oomph, and I consider myself a rather sturdy woman. After doing that a few times I was able to tun it counter clockwise and get the chain on. It was not easily turned even after that.

As for the clutch actuator, You want the flat part toward the sprocket when you put the cover back. and get some mother ()*&^&^%&*^* freaking grease on that thing.

And make sure that carb gets level...

Then find yourself a big hill, a nice long steep hill....

Prime the carb until gas runs out pedal your arse off and pop the clutch. keep pedaling.... and she'll go eventually.
Okay, Pause. I'm Taking A Break And Buying Myself A New Frame At Walmart And See If That Will Fix The Clearance & Engine Bolt Hole Problem. Hopefully I Can Pedal After That. Cuz Im Gonna Accept My Losses With This Bike That I Just Bought At Target... It's All Scratched Up From Me Getting Angry At It & Im Pretty Sure I Cannnot Return It. Trying To Work Around A Women's Bike Frame Is Something I Dont Want To Play With Anymore. Will E Back Guys.
I considered about the fuel line & was thinking about the fuel pump. but your right the chain DOES rub against the bolt hole on the engine which could be the reason why its hard to turn the engine over & pedal. That's pretty rad of you to notice that, i missed that. I'm honestly thinking is that a women's bike frame is just causing all kinds of problems. such as the angle that the chain has to attach to the rear wheel sprocket which causes it to rub against the bolt hole on the engine. Then there's the location of where the engine is mounted.. which makes it hard for the engine to get fuel. then there's the chain clearance to the frame... the way the frame is built gets in the way of the chain clearance. I'm thinking about buying a men's bike from walmart: 26" Men's Sierra Mountain Bike: Bikes, Scooters & Skates
do you think if i bought this bike frame, it'd make it easier?

That looks like a good candidate for a motor. Just measure and check that when the motor is mounted you have clearance for the spark plug. You will also have to fabricate a mount for the oversized front tube, DONT drill the frame, there are LOTS of good ideas on here for mounts other than drilling. Also check that there is a strait line from the motor sprocket to the wheel sprocket (the chain stays dont get in the way). Let us know if you need any help, good luck, and youll be riding before you know it........
P.S. Cant hurt to try to return the old one "just not happy with the quality".
i just had the same problem with mine and the problem was that the clutch was not pulling the arm back far enough for the sprokets to turn so make sure that your cable is pulling it back enough to release it.
You will get it Insignia, don't give up. Will be well worth it first time she fires up. Always have us to ask.
the chain tensioner should be installed on the bottom of chain, the way its mounted the engine is first pulliing on the roller ! ,than on the back sprocket. find a way to mount the chain tensioner in way that it pushes the lower chain up. hope that helps.
Yep- I think a new frame is in order. The engine is too high and the chain is at too much of an angle. In looking at the pictures, it looks like the chain is riding against the clutch cover on the bottom because of the angle. I think that with with the cover on, it could be trapping the chain there. Also, with those sharp angle with the tensioners, you are introducing more drag.

Good luck!