el Diablo Guapo
So after a loooong time with my bent 1/2 inch conduit exhaust i got a "real" exhaust.
I started riding to work because i got a new job that is only about 3 miles from my house.
Because I was riding a lot more i was able to notice that not only was my conduit noisy, it seemed to be creating a lean condition due to being long and narrow, and my mileage seemed kind of poor. I also have clearance issues because i build really low bikes, many available pipes protrude beneath my already low frame...
My first change was to jam the cut off "leftover" stock muffler on the end of the pipe. Surprisingly this did seem improve the mileage and was a lot quieter, but the bike did not seem to pull as hard.
I was reading up on expansion chambers, discovering that the exhaust can really make a difference on 2 stroke engines. I considered making one, but ultimately decided to try the BBR F2 Thrust. It was only about $40 - although i will point out that is how much my frame cost on Craigslist- and it is chrome, so it matched my bike.
I really like this thing! the bike pulls hard across the band and it has made a real difference in the mileage - WAY better! I guess my old narrow pipe just vacuumed the fuel through the cylinder. In fact i appear to still be running rich, in spite of adjusting the needle a few times. I ordered a set of jets and will be dialing this in.
oh yeah, this pipe is LAF (Loud As #%ck), perhaps louder that the old straight pipe, certainly more pronounced, but i like it, in spite of being an alarm clock for transients down in the industrial area i ride through in the early morning. I get a lot of thumbs ups on my commute, so i guess there are not too many hard feelings...
and I like how it looks
I started riding to work because i got a new job that is only about 3 miles from my house.
Because I was riding a lot more i was able to notice that not only was my conduit noisy, it seemed to be creating a lean condition due to being long and narrow, and my mileage seemed kind of poor. I also have clearance issues because i build really low bikes, many available pipes protrude beneath my already low frame...
My first change was to jam the cut off "leftover" stock muffler on the end of the pipe. Surprisingly this did seem improve the mileage and was a lot quieter, but the bike did not seem to pull as hard.
I was reading up on expansion chambers, discovering that the exhaust can really make a difference on 2 stroke engines. I considered making one, but ultimately decided to try the BBR F2 Thrust. It was only about $40 - although i will point out that is how much my frame cost on Craigslist- and it is chrome, so it matched my bike.
I really like this thing! the bike pulls hard across the band and it has made a real difference in the mileage - WAY better! I guess my old narrow pipe just vacuumed the fuel through the cylinder. In fact i appear to still be running rich, in spite of adjusting the needle a few times. I ordered a set of jets and will be dialing this in.
oh yeah, this pipe is LAF (Loud As #%ck), perhaps louder that the old straight pipe, certainly more pronounced, but i like it, in spite of being an alarm clock for transients down in the industrial area i ride through in the early morning. I get a lot of thumbs ups on my commute, so i guess there are not too many hard feelings...
and I like how it looks