Back from hiatus, where do i get parts now.


New Member
After being away from the MB community for a bit I'm looking to put my old bike back together. Who has the best customer service these days?
After being away from the MB community for a bit I'm looking to put my old bike back together. Who has the best customer service these days?
What kinda parts are you looking for? I presume that you gotta 2 smoker?

Piston Bikes gets my vote for good customer service.
How was hiatus? Long time since I've been there, bad weather all year long.

No parts in hiatus? Just look down the sidelines of this forum.....not much has changed ;) Welcome back (^)

Just looking to pick up rings and gaskets, maybe a new bottom end since my buddy wrapped up the chain and chipped most of my case at the rear off.

Hiatus was good! After going through divorce I met a wonderful young lady and we've been together two years now! I'm rehabbing a rental property i own and back to tinkering on things in my spare time.

You guys here helped me through a very bad period in my life. When my ex left all I had was some bowls to eat from and my PC. Learning about and building MB's helped me keep my mind occupied and make some money until I found a job again. Seriously, may the Lord bless each and every one of you!
I likr boygofast on ebay, because the shipping is still reasonable there- but I wish he, and all of 'em had better descriptions of the parts and stuff- too much gueswork.

Got a few things from Pirates and Sick bikes- usually reasonable and fast-

some of the others I've wondered about- You can get something like a main bearing seal for what seems a normal price- but then they want to hit you with $13 or something to ship it out- when it's literally something you could put in an envelope and mail with a stamp.

It just seems like they are shooting themselves- and our beloved practical cost-effective ecological activity- in the foot, by price gouging on the shipping- especially on very small stuff. Got to keep the whole thing going ya know?

It's like racing cyclists- I was musing why all at once they were having so much trouble just staying upright in the Tour or Giro- Then it hit me- the manufacturers have made it all so darn expensive, that only rich basetards can afford it anymore! It's only a bunch of well-monied boys out there- it's like Fantasy Island, or Jurassic Park Meets Cycling- and they're falling all over each other all the time!rotfl
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