WECSOG, I'm gonna sound like a broken record but I swear to you, cars give ya more room and realize your on some thing going faster with a MC kind of helmet, rather than a bicycle helmet.
Seriously, one of the best safety things ever. Keeps ya from the "pass ya on the left and than turn right, right in front of you" thing. They wait at intersections. Best way to avoid an accident is first be seen and then letting them know your going faster or are capable of going faster than they are assuming.
Really surprised me when I first got a funky, old world helmet and stopped using bike ones.
Don't take my word for it, Buddy. Try the same ride with both style helmets. It is bizarre how differently ya get treated by cars & trucks.
And can get some really great ones for cheap. (relatively) I like the foam filled ones more than the hard shelled/DOT. (I know and stop yelling at me! lol)
Foam filled 'cause every time I crash, (or fall off the small bus) I seem to just whack my head on the road. (less traveled) And not skid along. That bit of absorbing, cushion really saved me with a face plant crash once.
Think we chuckled @ "..every time I crash,"
No advise intended with any of that. Just what I do. I do suggest not crashing though. Great for the stories but can really, really hurt.