Anyone into PC Gaming?

IL-2 rocks, Lock-On was made by the same guys, only with Warthogs and f16/18's. Yea, at least need a Joystick. MS Sim X is great to set up an IFR in a thunderstorm when you get bored with it, heh heh. MS Combat Sim was okay, didn't compare to IL-2 though...
Ive been flying iL-2 for about five years now, I started flight sim gamming in 1998 AcesHigh but is cost $14.95 a month to fly there, so I moved to FREE
iL2 Sturmovik 1946 the CD is only $10.00 and is version 4.07 but you'll have to patch it to 4.10.1
I also have a squad called VMF/214-BlackSheep this is our website that I also built for free using, if anyone would like to learn the art of aerial combat, you can contact me on my site
Anyone remember Gnome, the old mech game from the 90's? That was so much fun when you could eject from your mech and run around on the ground with these 100 foot tall mechs chasing you! That was intense back in the day. Not to mention 'state of the art' back then. Ah the memories...
MechWarrior 4 is a free DL from mektek. Rebuilt from the source code. A good server can hold 24, 12 to a team. Still a lot of servers going. MS doesn't support a gaming zone anymore so mektek has several. Go to for all the info to DL the 5 gigs plus to play.

Thought I'd add. MW4 is a sim game, not a consol. There is no auto targeting and if your buddy blows up up you take damage and theres no majic power-up on the field, you go in with what you got. Your bullets damage friendlies, too. I have at several different times been on MW league teams. I get my new computer straightened out I'll be rejoining my old team, the UNDEAD. :)
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Back in the day Starcraft was my game! I played all day all night had pizza hut on speed dial went through a bag of chips and liter of soda a night so I had to call It quits. But that game is awesome
A couple weeks ago I managed to convince my Windows Vista to run my old '95 compatible favourite, I-76 (Gold) and the 'Nitro Pack' expansion/second game. With the new joystick using 'rudder control' for steering, it's as much fun as it ever was. Musclecars and machineguns. (^) I had a good 'stick with the rudder control option, but it died some time ago. I've been looking to replace it for a couple of years, but for those in-between years no one seemed to make one that way.

I've dabbled with Space Marine a bit lately. For a long time I was actively addicted to Neverwinter Nights. It came out around the same time Everquest showed up, but was never a monthly-pay-to-play set-up. It came with tools to build campaigns, and a special mode that would allow someone to be DM. There are still servers you can play on out there for free. Although I no longer do much building in it, one of them sits behind me in the room here. ;)

My gaming started way back in the early '80's, with games that you got by typing in the program from the pages of the magazine and then saving them to a tape drive. I remember my friends and I sitting for hours going through code entry, and then debugging the typos out for games that we wouldn't look twice at now. Or by slapping a cartridge into the machine, and booting up.
I played mechwarrior 4 when I was younger. It could definitely run on phones now adays, I wish someone could port it!

Been playing skyrim otherwise. I looove the soundtrack in that. 137 hours so far :P
I hear ya Rocky, I played Skyrim from 11/11 to about 2 weeks ago. I finally got burn out.

8 characters, beat main quest twice. 100+ dragons killed. Skyrim got older quicker than oblivion did :(
I think my biggest mistake was leveling up smithing. It just made questing and exploration a bore as I didn't look forward to what loot I might get because I already had top of the line equipment like a sword doing almost 200 damage. I turned it up to master difficulty but even then.. Maybe I'll make a new character when some DLC comes out and not do any enchanting or smithing myself.

Some people get up to 600 damage with dual enchantments but I wasn't gonna bother
Didn't do that for me. I even twinked my Enchanting and Smithing higher than 100 so I could make more valuable weapons to sell lol

There's lots of crafting mods out there that let you melt or break down just about everything you pick up. Lots of new recipes, too.
I've gamed online ever since Doom first appeared. Have played many but have found the absolute best game on the net (IMHO).

Aces High II beats them all hands down. Set in WWII it's predominantly fighter plane combat in real time against real players. The planes have many of the flight characteristics of the real ones and becoming a proficient fighter pilot is no easy task, especially when you're up against REAL fighter pilots who like to play too.

Two week free trial at My call sign is 64bit. If you log in, check the roster and look me up.
I've been playing PC based games for well over 20+ years now...

I remember back in the late 80's lugging that huge a$$ 286 and 386 around and paying $100 for a megabyte of memory! I was the man having a 386 gaming system and having an unheard of 6 megs of ram!!!

I remember having only a 20 megabyte hard drive and had to daily, every single day, wipe out and re install games cause I had no room on the drive

Look at the change we have gone through in a short 20 years...
I used to play PC games, not so much any more...
At one point the console games seemed to be surpassing the PC in quality and game experience, from what I read in this thread apparently PC gaming hardware has come up to snuff in the past couple years and pc gaming quality is surpassing the consoles again?
Maybe you avid and long time gamers can offer me some advise. I maintain LAN pc's that provide public access to the internet for a group of people, and used to provide some games. As gaming consoles became more popular pc gaming seemed to fall off a cliff and I kinda gave up on it. There were all sorts of issues with public pc gaming that became more of a problem as games got more complex, all the online accounts, passwords, serial numbers, and protecting them from be stolen and distributed by the public pc users became a bit tough to deal with. As time has gone by my computers have become outdated and at this point they wont run the newest games (like Battlefield3). The pc's have 1-2 gig ram, dual core Pentium or Core2Duo 2.0-2.4GHz and Radeon video cards around the HD3400 generation.
Recently I ran across a couple slightly old school games that are completely free and running on legacy platforms that play fine on my PC's, Track Mania Forever and NEXIUZ 2.5.2. Although older, these games are pretty fun, I am wondering if you guys have any suggestions for other similar free games that will run on slightly older PC's? I need to focus on games that are most fun to play in a multiplayer LAN or online situation, I need to lean on the multiplayer aspect because there is a gaming console right next to the computers that have better graphics, but there is only one of them.
If you guys have any suggestions for other free games that I might try out I would appreciate your input....
I used to play PC games, not so much any more...
At one point the console games seemed to be surpassing the PC in quality and game experience, from what I read in this thread apparently PC gaming hardware has come up to snuff in the past couple years and pc gaming quality is surpassing the consoles again?
Maybe you avid and long time gamers can offer me some advise. I maintain LAN pc's that provide public access to the internet for a group of people, and used to provide some games. As gaming consoles became more popular pc gaming seemed to fall off a cliff and I kinda gave up on it. There were all sorts of issues with public pc gaming that became more of a problem as games got more complex, all the online accounts, passwords, serial numbers, and protecting them from be stolen and distributed by the public pc users became a bit tough to deal with. As time has gone by my computers have become outdated and at this point they wont run the newest games (like Battlefield3). The pc's have 1-2 gig ram, dual core Pentium or Core2Duo 2.0-2.4GHz and Radeon video cards around the HD3400 generation.
Recently I ran across a couple slightly old school games that are completely free and running on legacy platforms that play fine on my PC's, Track Mania Forever and NEXIUZ 2.5.2. Although older, these games are pretty fun, I am wondering if you guys have any suggestions for other similar free games that will run on slightly older PC's? I need to focus on games that are most fun to play in a multiplayer LAN or online situation, I need to lean on the multiplayer aspect because there is a gaming console right next to the computers that have better graphics, but there is only one of them.
If you guys have any suggestions for other free games that I might try out I would appreciate your input....

Those are certainly outdated computers. You can get 8 gigs of good RAM for like 40 or 50 bucks when it's on sale.

PC's have been the superior machine for the last two or so years. It's probably going to be a cycle. When the next generation of consoles come out around 2014, they will become superior again. The companies typically lose money when you buy a console. That's how it worked when the current gen came out. They then make the money back from you buying their games and their services like xbox live.

for 600 bucks you can make a PC run at decent settings any game out today. For 1000 you can go "ultra" on any game.

But as for suggestions on competitive games, there's quite a number but here's a few.

The new tribes ascends
A sequel to a highly competitive game. It's free and will remain free and has the option of microtransactions. If you want to try it, you can easily get a beta key by "likeing" them on facebook. At lower settings you should be able to run it

Dota 2 or Heroes of Newerth are highly competitive and free

. Dota is in beta though so you need a key for that. These are very hard to learn games and not very forgiving. The community also sucks, people aren't very willing to help most of the time. Still manages a large playerbase. I'd suggest playing against AI for a while. But even then it won't prepare you enough for online. Just a warning.. I personally play dota 2 all the time despite what I said. It's just hard to learn it. League of legends is another option but I don't like that one..

Umm... I have to suggest Terraria.

A bit like minecraft but more combat, armour, decorative things, exciting happenings. It's so much fun! You can buy a 4 pack for 30 bucks or 10 bucks per *purchase*. On steam. With enough people you can have teams and build castles and then decide to assault eachother.

I can't think of other free things. Maybe it'll come to me.
Halo C.E. Still remains extremely fun for LAN parties though.

Oh how I miss the days of halo LAN's.
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Rocky, thanks a bunch for your input....
If it were me playing (and paying) I would certainly invest in the pc upgrade, but the guy that owns the company somehow thinks 5yo computers are cutting edge and should be good enough to do ANYTHING! LOL He is not going to spring for a bunch of new PC's for this project, no way...
I appreciate your suggestions and will check them out. I'm not sure the less forgiving games will be popular since the people using the pc's wont really have enough access to figure them out. The best kind of games would be the ones you can jump right into and start shooting, driving, whatever, without too much background knowledge required, or games that are so popular that the background knowledge is common knowledge...
The TrackMania game is great in that regard, jump right in and play, as well as NEXIUZ 2.5.2, which is some sort of Quake clone, so most everyone is familiar with the game play and controls. More games along these lines would be nice to find... Are there any free games based on the Unreal platform? I used to play that game but lost track of it, I remember it was fun and impressive. Are there any free AOE type games out there that are any good?
I don't think there's gonna be a cycle this time. The next-gen X-box is rumored to use an AMD APU, which has roughly a 2.9-3.1GHz quad-core CPU and 320-400 SPUs on the GPU. This PC I'm on had those specs back in 2007! Now I have a 3.3GHz quad-core and 800x2 SPUs on the video card, dual GPU.

I suppose we can count on Sony to do something odd, like the PS1, PS2, and PS3. Proprietary and very Japanese, more difficult to program for than the Xbox and Xbox 360. The first Xbox was actually a PC, containing a Pentium III 733MHz CPU and an nVidia MX-class GPU. The 360 was basically a pre-2006 Mac on steroids, CPU-wise, with a hybrid GPU containing base elements from the Radeon X1K series and the tessellation unit from the HD2K series.

Hopefully the next consoles will just be thinly disguised PCs, from both Sony and Microsoft. That will make console-ported games not suck as much when they arrive on PC, and will also make it cheaper to develop games in the first place.