any performance mods

ok thanx, so the copper core is better for these motors, right?i want to improve not go backwards

Any plug wire is better for the motor. I would go with a normal automotive plug wire and not copper cored. Don't wanna make anybody mad with that interference.
The interference thing is getting overblown. The issue is that the cars these days have many electrical parts, including the on-board computers that can receive false signals from this interference. It's not like you are driving down a street and as you pass all the houses, everyone's TVs and radios make that buzz sound.
The interference thing is getting overblown. The issue is that the cars these days have many electrical parts, including the on-board computers that can receive false signals from this interference.

Which is more of a reason to not put out more interference than you need. I for one don't want to cause someone's car to flip out as I'm passing them, or they're passing me.

My point is, there is no real noticeable advantage to a copper core wire, so you might as well just not cause any interference.
i dont believe ur gonna cause interference to a vehicle beside u. the noise comes through the wires on the car that the wires r on..say u hade a radio powered by ur bike, u would prolly hear whining through ur speakers or buzzing
That was my whole point mycam but I guess I did not word it well enough.(although you understood) As for your gaskets, just buy a sheet of gasket paper and cut your own. You can lay your part onto the paper and tap it gently to get a great outline of where you need to cut.
That was my whole point mycam but I guess I did not word it well enough.(although you understood) As for your gaskets, just buy a sheet of gasket paper and cut your own. You can lay your part onto the paper and tap it gently to get a great outline of where you need to cut.
will the cardboard like paper gasket material work for the head gasket? or how about some alum. sheeting like alum. roof flashing? oh and when porting the exhaust or intake to u only grind away the very bigging where it bolts fast so it matches or do u go in further
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When buying it I would ask the guy at the parts desk but I would say yes. You could also use high heat gasket goop with the gasket that you make, although some people don't bother with the gasket when using the goop.
Ther are lots of posts here about that subject, do a search.
Ahhh! Stuart racing so by head MOD do you mean losing the head gasket? Pretty easy and sweet mod eh? I used a very thin smear of RTV just to make sure it is sealed proper and good.

There is another mod I am keen to try. The piston skirt (bottom below rings) partially covers the intake port, people have filed a curved indent into the skirt without any problems and apparently really helps the fuel scavenge. I'm going to do it next time I take off the cylinder.
Yes everything came out killer....I heard about the piston skirt deal...I will try it to when I need to go that far into the engine....
2stokes respond good to higher comp. I beleive...I can`t wait for my Pipelyne exh. to get here....Then some more adjustments again I`m sure....
I have a pipe that looks to be the same shape as the pipelyne one but haven't found someone to weld me up a header pipe. Very frustrating!!

The pipelyne guys also have a reed valve setup coupled with a walbro style fully tunable diaphram/butterfly carb. Sounds killer especially coupled with the pipe and porting. The back pressure from the tuned pipe may increase blow back out the inlet port but the reed valve eliminates all blow back so you can safely port the inlet without the worry of blowback!!

Nice, it beautiful machine billet aluminium. $130 but I'm not sure if this includes the walbro carb. There is no room for any other type!!
Yes I saw their Wlbro setup....Looks verry sweet....Nice machine work....
When I ordered my pipe I didn`t notice that I would have to find a stinger.muffler for it....So I`m on the lookout for a end pipe....I guess I will have to use the stocker for a whille untill then.....
I doubt I will tke my setup as far as needing reed valve setups....I have a ZX12R if I want to go faster ,LOL......
thanx guys, do u just take the snap rings out of the wrist pin to remove the piston?oh about the porting, do u just grind away right where the bolting flange is or do u have to go further? does it make much of a diff. i replaced my bottom head gasket w/ a paper one 1/2 the thickness. not enough clearance to remove the head gasket. how much of the piston skirt has to come off? and r there any carb mods i should do along with these other things?
By the way, back to the copper core plug wires...another post just reminded me...if you have an electronic speedo, you'll have more issues with the copper wires. People already have issues with just a normal wire...
do all the internals of the muffler come out? i read that they need to be cleaned, i took the bolt out put only the lil pipe and the cap came
B-12 carb cleaner will remove almost anything including the cornea on your eyes and the skin on your body. It works very well on engine stains/will remove paint and carbon or exhaust deposits. I use it and try to be extra careful with it.
Ahhh! Stuart racing so by head MOD do you mean losing the head gasket? Pretty easy and sweet mod eh? I used a very thin smear of RTV just to make sure it is sealed proper and good.

There is another mod I am keen to try. The piston skirt (bottom below rings) partially covers the intake port, people have filed a curved indent into the skirt without any problems and apparently really helps the fuel scavenge. I'm going to do it next time I take off the cylinder.

I just did the mod on the piston skirt on the intake side....Verry sismple to do....Took about a total of about 30 min.`s... My dremmel with a sanding barrel on it worked killer....Cleaned off all gasket material ,new gaskets and put back together....This is on my spare motor so it will be a while before I can check it out....Gonna do a few more tricks to this one before I put her in a bike.....