Another Michigan fan


New Member
Never gave them (motorbikes) much though, but with the price of gas it might be wise at times. who knows.. good luck:)
Welcome pennyfrog.
The whole motorized bicycle thing is a very addicting experience. Go for one little ride and you'll be hooked.
Come on, go for a ride, you know you want to ;)
Welcome to this site and if you don't have one yet get one.:D
ChrisHill stop that your making me blushrotfl and I have a bike.
He's right one little ride and its all you think about must be the fumes.rotfl
ahh the fumes thats what it is. its true one ride and you will be hooked. its a blast!
Well I'm in like with mine but I don't think its love yet. Though I have been looking for a special valentine this year.