Another Argentino!!!! de Cordoba!


New Member
Mar 4, 2011
cordoba, argentina
Hi My friends, I have logn time reading this website, and its amazing the amount of things that all of you make to your bikes, a lot of stuffs that we dont have in argentina, not even in dreams, but we customize the bikes as we can, jajajja, sorry for my english, long time without practicing.

I want to show my bike, and make my contribuition to this comunnity!!

Now, here my bike!

and my new seat



New Member
Mar 4, 2011
cordoba, argentina
joto fijate ahora, que no se q abre hecho en imageschack y se ven ahora, jejejeje

dasmo: thanks!!!, and the exhaust pipe its made to my bike too, I cut the original, and made this large one,


New Member
Apr 8, 2011
Bienvenido!!! (Aunque soy más nuevo que vos :p)
SP: Te hago una pregunta che, por qué cortaste el tubito de adentro del escape y dónde iba conectado?
EN: I've a question, why did you cut that tube inside the exhaust pipe and how it was connected?

Bien venidos, very pretty bike. I'd like to know who makes those front forks, they look like a good match for my mountain bike. Saludos,..Gearhead.
They're pretty common for MTB here in Argentina, search for triple tree mtb fork on ebay, you've to find plenty of them.

Sigo sin verlas, una cagada.
Fijate que yo me tuve que registrar en imageshack para que se vean, una cagada realmente.


New Member
Mar 4, 2011
cordoba, argentina
hey tomasito como andas!!, de que parte de argentina sos?

te comento que el tubito del escape lo ves cuando sacas la tapita del escape, mira en esta foto, el tema es que en otro foro de aca de argentina muchos contaron que al hacerlo mejora la compresion y escape de los gases del motor, termina mejorando el ruido del escape y ademas se puede apreciar un incremento en la fuerza del motor, lo que pueda dar fe, al haber corrido una carrera con un amigo con el mismo motor que yo desde la misma epoca, y con ese simple cambio le saque buena ventaja.

Hey tomasito how are you!!,

I comment to you that the tube of the exhaust pipe, you see it when you extract dissarm the exhaust, as you can see in this photo, the topic is that in another forum of Argentine many told that on having done it it improves the compression and leak of the gases of the engine, ends up by improving the noise of the leak and in addition it is possible to estimate an increase in the force of the engine, which could give faith, when a race has traversed with a friend with the same engine than me from the same time, and with this simple change it shows good advantage.



New Member
Apr 8, 2011
SP: Tiene tapa el escape!? No tenía idea que era desarmable :p
Yo todavía no me compré el motor, la semana que viene me compro dos (uno para mi novia y otro para mi).
Che y hace mucho ruido sin el tubo? Porque soy de los que les gusta que ande lo más silencioso posible el motor :p
Por ahí andará poniendolé lana de acero o viruta de acero para amortiguar un poco el sonido no?

EN: I didn't knew that the exhaust had a endcap! :p
I don't have the kit yet, next week i'll buy two (one for my girlfriend and one for me).
Does it make too much noise without the tube? Because i like it quite quiet :p
Maybe we can use steel wool inside the exhaust to dampen the sound.

PD: Veo que tenés pedalines, se la banca bien para dos personas che? Yo quiero andar con mi novia, serán 110kg los dos juntos, no quiero romper un record de velocidad, con andar a 25km/h me alcanza, con un 48cc tengo que andar de lujo no?
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