Amazon for B5HS plugs and 7MM wires


New Member
Went to 3 different part stores looking to get the NGK B5HS plug. Not one of them had it... and they couldn't figure how to look it up without application info. [Chinese Crappy Bike Motor wasn't in their computer]

So since seems to have everything in the world, I gave it a shot. Yep, they have them. Even got them for free shipping with my prime account. Here is a link to the B5HS: NGK B5HS Standard Spark Plug: Automotive

There is a compatibility chart on that link on that page as well in case you want to go to your parts store and order up this plug .. it fits Corvair and VW applications. [Couldn't get the table to format and post here]

Plug wires was another sore spot. All the 8mm wires you can eat, but nothing really in 7mm. I ordered up this $11 performance wire set and will chop it up for use on bikes. Accel 3009 SuperStock 7mm 3000 Series Copper Universal Spark Plug Wire Set: Automotive

As I have heard on the board, the cables screw directly into the coil on the threaded stud. What I had not heard is that the plug end also threads onto the wire with a threaded stud. So just cut your wire to length, screw on the old plug end, then thread it into the coil.

Got some of these fuel filters too by the way...1/4 inch ends and they seem fairly small. K&N 81-0221 Fuel Filter: Automotive

I think the fuel filter is priced a tad high, but I'll keep shopping around for a good solution here.

I've sponged a bunch of knowledge from this board and just thought I'd give a little something back. ^5
Yeah, you are in the ballpark with the plugs and gas filters, but I think there are 20 bikes worth of plug wires for $11 in that wire set :)

Besides, I have the free 2 day shipping on Amazon.

On the flip side....not to worry about gettin into my wallet. A shifter kit is on the agenda within the next couple of builds. I'll probably toss in some other goodies at that time since I'm paying shipping anyways.

Always on the lookout for a deal...mostly cuz I'm a cheap bastage lol
The fuel filters are high at amazon. The small ones do look good, but I normally use the lawn mower ones. 3 bucks at any hardware or home depot. They also carry the small ones. Well here in CT any way.
Are the Amazon wires 90° boots? We have only orange and black.
I have bought about everything Pablo and Ghost0 are selling in their SBP store. I am glad they got the stuff I need. I am putting together my shift kit Sat and today. I would be done but my bike was a bare frame and I needed to build the bike too. No I guess I could save a few pennies maybe but they take care of me and are not going to get rich at the prices they sell for. In fact are you guys a declared charity for motorized bikers? I certainly feel supported with good products. I may post photos but getting a dependable commuter is paramount today.
If you need a spark plug TODAY go to your local motorcycle shop. They may even have the spark plug wires but I haven't checked. I do know for a fact they have the plugs auto shops don't.
Are the Amazon wires 90° boots? We have only orange and black.

The wire end that goes onto the plug screws on just like the coil. You dont need the boot, just the wire... screw on the plug end, then screw the works onto the coil.

That's what I did anyways :)
The wire end that goes onto the plug screws on just like the coil. You dont need the boot, just the wire... screw on the plug end, then screw the works onto the coil.

That's what I did anyways :)

I think you are only getting 2/3's of the beni's - the weakness is in that cheeseball supplied hard boot. Try one of the silicone boots.