All will agree

I am building a nimh battery pack for my ebike from aa cells meant for toys. Yes it is a mess lol, but it's more fun than writing a check for the same amount of money for a lith battery. Since I have no schedule, no job, and no place I have to be, I can do just what I'm doing these days. Tinker to my hearts content.

I am here today waiting for my battery to charge. One of the clips came off on the overnight charging I use on my sla pack. Otherwise I would be somewhere out back doing something to the bike.
This has been a fun thread. Thanks for the entertainment guys. I really got a laugh from fasteddy's story about the apprentice reading a tape measure. "and two little marks". Because I had those identical words said to me some years ago by a third year apprentice.
As for the checkbook crowd; its the same in hot rodding today. Guys with absolutely no mechanical skills or experience are driving around in 30 and 40 thousand dollar cars that are nothing more than a bolted together collection of catalog parts. We call them 1-800 cars. If they had to design or fabricate a piece they'd be lost. But they don't worry; they just dial 1-800 or use the mouse and click on what they need. Guess being a dinosaur is something I need to get used to.
Don't feel bad, Tom. When the bottom falls out, say someone looses their job or something, guys with a little skill can still tinker, repair, build, maybe even start up their own business doing these things. The guys with a checkbook are lost under these circumstances. I can't complain about the checkbook guys, though. I made a pretty good living off of them for a while when I was doing custom work. Sometimes I would like to be the "checkbook" guy. That would mean I could afford to pay someone else to do all the work. The first problem is I can't afford it. The second is I would rather do it myself and know it was done right or I learned how to do something new in the process.
You 2 guys have about said it all. I'm going out to my own shop in the morning and work on my HF touring build and if I get into trouble I'm gonna post to you guys for help.
I like the 1.800 cars image. My dad was a look fixer in a cotton mill for many years finally a supervisor. He never understood why I worked on my own cars. He thought it was because I was broke and I probably was, but that really wasn't the reason. I never knew the reason until lately. Now I know why, I just wanted to understand... It's that simple I just wanted to understand...... everything.

I'm still trying,.,, Mama says I fix it then take it apart and fix it right.
well i will agree with bairdgo everyone waNT TO PAY LITTLE AS possible they dont get it? but what is funny i had good luck with the first cheap build it was great it went 35 plus with no problems with just a back brake but things change! anyways hats off to everyone here