Aiming for my first build


New Member
Oct 3, 2011
Blythe, Ca
Been wanting to build one for 15+ years at this point but kept getting put on the back burner. Heck I registered this account in 2011 then never used it.
Got an ebike at the beginning of the year for fun/commuting. I keep modding it and that reignited the urge for a 2 stroke lol.

Anyway for the build I'm thinking

Bike - Firmstrong Chief (I'm 6'4 and its the cheapest big cruiser I can find at $290 right now)

Engine - Avenger 85

Exhaust - A person on reddit reminded me the exhaust flange is bigger on the A85 so most after market ones wont fit + potentially choke the engine
So the new plan is to copy this long exhaust in larger tubing.​

CDHPOWER 26" Bike Rear Rim

CDHPOWER Disc Brake Rotor Adapter

Disk brakes

Double springer front fork (placeholder. Might get the sunlite. Problem is the bikes head tube looks longer than normal. Standard bike left, chief right. That monarch for has options for 7" and 9" head tubes. That one in particular is supposedly made in the US. at least the bottom looks higher quality than one from CDHpower. Cant know what exactly to get until I get the bike and start measuring I guess.)

High rise handlebars (placeholder, cant know how much rise I want until I get the bike)

rack mount gas tank maybe? (don't like the look of the kit tanks)

Also plan on doing lights/signals and all, but one step at a time.

My bike tinkering is limited to my ebike and and other bikes with threadless head tubes. That firmstrong (and most cruisers I've looked at) seems like a threaded headset? Never messed with those so I assume I need a 1" threaded fork for it, please correct me if I'm wrong about that. Suggestions appreciated, especially for anything I've overlooked before I start blowing cash.
Will probably order the bike in the next few days. I could order everything now but I just dont enjoy seeing my savings take a 1k+ hit haha. I'll spread it 200-300 per paycheck. Bike this week, motor in a few weeks, then start dropping my wad on the $600 of parts in my ebay cart.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2011
Blythe, Ca
Hi SoCal,
Looks like you got things sorted out component wise. But the Monarch springer is not well loved here, whereas Sunlite springers are.
The Sunlite is a stronger unit. : Sunlite Deluxe 26" Springer Fork Replica, 1" (Threaded) : Bike Rigid Forks : Sports & Outdoors

Yeah I've been keeping that in mind, but The chief and bruiser bikes seem to have a longer than normal head tube. Look closely at these two. Normal bike on left, chief on the right.

The monarch I linked is supposedly made in america, at least partially. Has laser cut bottom bracket that are noticeably better looking than the cheaper monarchs from cdhpower and has options for normal 7in and longer 9in head tubes. Can't know what I'm doing there until I get the bike and measure it since I cant find any measurements online.

Would the sunlite fit a longer head tube? Sunlite being a known brand I would prefer to go that way but idk
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2019
So Cal
I hear the latest version of Monarch is superior to Sunlite
But I also hear Sunlite is good

Made in USA Monarch attracts me to their product it's the Original

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Tom from Rubicon

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Rubicon, Wisconsin
It just so happens SoCal that I have a threadless Sunlite in a box unused and unneeded. Postage and what ever you wish to pay.
I was building my Sportsman Flyer and did not notice the threadless description. Head tube is long for cut to fit. I was ignorant of threadless at the time and reordered a threaded Sunlite. The stationary fork has lugs for both disk and drum brake.
