Age old Debate

The above is of course generalized and unreferenced and not meant as a clinical white paper on the subject, to bring that to the table one will need to look on their own elsewhere. It is rather a hopefully easy to grasp quick study on the subject. I am certain however there is no intentional bias other than what the simple mathematics might conclude, in fact I personally think the numbers are quite conservative and could easily be skewed in other directions also, e.g., how many MABs average 30 mph? The differential factors represented do for me satisfy an overview that places it beyond mere hearsay or unfounded opinion.
I always meant to try this. In my state we have emissions testing for cars. I do not have a running 2 stroke at the moment. But would any one like to try and see if they will test your China Girl?

For the forum, for the community and for science!

Would be really cool to have hard facts and numbers.

Like I said, my bikes all blow flowers and warm fuzzies out the exhaust along with the dripping oil.

Clean AND green Fo'Sho'!!!
Hey guys down here in Ga with this blended fuel if you don't add treatment to it mine smells like popcorn!
I have a testing station about two miles from me but he will probably want to charge me the 18$. If not I'll. Give it a try.
Its a no on testing my bike, I rode to the test station and asked. Here you have to put a probe in the exhaust and put the vehicle under load on the machine. The guy wanted to help, he ask what kind of mileage it got. He said by comparing our engine at say 100 mpg to say a well tuned 4 or 6 that get maybe 40 mpg our emissions should be very low.
Big time thanks for trying Greg. I will get around to trying it some day. Have a testing place with in easy ridding. Am just so short of time right now.

They have a motorcycle one and if they let me, will do both a 4 and 2 smoke. Only 2 stroke I have was run for about 8 mins 2 years ago. Now happily rusting in an old horse trailer. So that's gonna be fun. Has a stripped head bolt too.

LOL, about talked my self out of it.
Apporoved for offroad use-illegal on road. Not USDOT approved-illegal. Brakes,tires,wheels, not USDOT approved- illegal. These things are illegal ALL THE WAY AROUND!!! I was going to build one so I researched all the statues state and federal. I talked to the HP, DMV, USDOT, FHSAT. It was fun learning how ****ing stupid and inconsistant the statues are. There is no way to comply with the state and federal laws. It is a catch 22. Write your legisaltors and demand logical laws!!! I have and will continue to do so.