advice and help


minor bike philosopher
Guys I am going to withdraw from giving advice on new builds. Unlike when I was the only one on this corner of the forum, we now have guys with a lot more knowledge than I possess. I will continue to do what I do and write for pure entertainment, but there are people here that can help you a lot more than I can.

My brain is a little addled these days so it is best to leave the trouble shooting, by second guesses to those with more experience and knowledge than me. I am writing this so you will know that it isn't because I don't want to help anyone, it's just that there are those better at it than me.

So keep your eye on my meanderings if you like and if you learn something from my work I am very pleased, but for serious problem solving look to some of the other members. I know they can and are willing to help out.

Good luck to us all.
Oh contrar Deacon! You always do more with less. You also seem to be able to get a lot of range out of SLA batteries. Having a few over-volted motors melt under you is no reason to stop helping newbies; especially those on a budget. We learn as much from the unsuccessful projects as the successful ones. Continue to march, Deacon!
Yes indeed, I wouldn't be where I am today without the kickstart help from Deacon.

Long may you keep experimenting mate ;)

Frankly I appreciate the kind words but I got an email from a new member who asked me how I mounted my weed eater motors for the gas friction drives I used to build. I swear to god I had to send him to someone else since I could not remember how I mounted the good ones. I am being robbed of my ability to think clearly. DO NOT take my advice... you have been warned LOL.
Deacon, we value you for who you are, not what you know. You are an inspiration to all of us. You were there when these things were just starting an I love following your adventures and how you care. I miss confortable shoes also for the same reasons.