A Weird One

hey 2door
had the same thing happen to me and on inspection the top of the carb got to tight causing the barrel to twist just enuff to stick! loosened up the top and the problem went away! fixed by putting a small washer in between the spring and top
hope that helps
hey 2door
had the same thing happen to me and on inspection the top of the carb got to tight causing the barrel to twist just enuff to stick! loosened up the top and the problem went away! fixed by putting a small washer in between the spring and top
hope that helps
Thanks, I had checked that one early on because it is a common problem. Overtightening the cable cap or the intake mount can distort the carb enough for the barrel to bind but that wasn't the case here.

As I said, the faulty carburetor is in the scrap pile now. The bike runs great and if and when I have nothing else to do I might play with that old carb and see if I can find out what the problem is and post it here. I suspect a hairline crack somewhere in the carb body. Maybe I'll try a magnaflux inspection some day.
As for now, spring is coming and I'll just enjoy what I have.
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You can always put your falty carb apart, and start doing some mods. In back. where air comes in, take off 1 or 2mm, and round side for a optimum air flow.

I did it to mine, and the pulling up hill and high rpms was really improved.

Sorry for my bad english, hope you understand :D
Some day, maybe, I'll pull that old carb out of the scrap box and have a look-see. Right now I'm down with the mother of all colds and I'm not riding or working on bikes.
Colds suck. This is the first one I've had in years and I'm making up for lost time.
As for an air leak at the top cap; that could be a possibility. I'll let you know, if & when.
Well I hope we don't have to shoot him. It's not (Old Coot) season and with my luck we''''''''''''''ll get caught. Give him some more of them Dog pills. Get well Old Coot! Oh the carb thing, Look and watch,
But not too hard. The clue is right in front of you :) (c)