A good pedal assist ebike?


New Member
My wife wants a bike that will help her up big hills. We cycle in some areas that are very hilly. Now at 70 years old, the hills are getting harder. She wants to pedal normally most of the time, but wants an assist climbing big hills. We typically ride 30 to 40 miles.

What ebike kits are good for helping when needed on hills, but will not hinder normal cycling on the flats?
The absolute best for the senario you describe will be a geard hub motor.
Someting small & lightweight with negligable impact o the pedal-ability of the machine.

Paul is an englishman living in china....but has the best pricing & a very good reputation as a buisnessman. Shipping is on the slow boat....given the weight of the products.
here is his website:
a source in country(i think)
& another guy I have done busniess with:

My recomdation is to contact someone & get the full rundown on what is required to install the kit.
& if you really want the straight dope, this is the forum for E-bike information:
Dogman is a member here also...but spends far more time at ES. He is also an unbiased Test/reveiwer for several kits & can make a far more informed recomdation than I.
Good Luck. & happy bikeing
A hub motor on any good bike will do that for you but you still have to deal with the weight. I had a WE front hub motor in a Scwhinn frame 36 volt motor used the motor for starts and hills could ride 30 miles with pedal assist. The EZip is a good choice. Weight is the big problem with an E bike
The Kalkhoff is pedal assist with three options for power assist. Although expensive, I commute 35 miles (with power left) running in 125% and 150% modes. After a lot of research, I noticed some experts (in another forum) stated they wish they would have purchased the Kalkhoff initially. My second choice would have been a Bionx. Kalkhoff are sold in the US from Portland. I put over 1K on mine last year. It is dependable and a breeze with hills. I hope I still have mine when I am 70 - but might need a new battery by then. It might be worth checking out.