A couple briggs style bikes

i didnt get any pics and i pulled the pusher off of the chopper and im going to copy your dsign and attatch it to a full suspension ride. i love that i wont have to modify the bike and only use a u-bolt and three nuts. thanks mitch
Thanks jak.

Stude ,I understand completely I am not a big fan of drilling holes in bikes that cost more than 20 bucks or so.
Wow its not a showstopper but looks like a genius way to go! Plus, if you have quick connects for another bike with that type bracket, you could swap bikes.

Thanks for the idea!
Thats something there, the pivot by threaded bolt. Surely it will never come loose that way!

I think if you see someone prying on your lock or picking up your bike you have fair cause for slugging them even in the back.

Yeah, "Stude" Here are some detail shots.
This shot is of the frame mount itself. It is a section of shallow channel iron with a kick bent in one end. Holes were drilled for the axle and for the "U"-bolt. A 3/4-inch double nut was welded to the center of the channel iron. The nice part about this mount is that the bike is not modified in any way, and in 5 minutes it can be removed.

I tore it down for prep and paint. The powered wheel came from northern tool. It had bearings and a sprocket installed when I purchased it. The axle is a 3/4-inch bolt. The pivot bolt is also 3/4 inch.

"Filipino" If someone want's to steal the drive unit by removing the pivot bolt they are a better man than I. Wink Wink.

The pivot bolt is welded to the motor unit and the Double nut is welded to the frame mount. The "swing" action is the bolt and nut screwing and unscrewing ever so slightly.

The boreem style scooter would be a perfect donor. Gas or Electric.

I thought and re-thought and then thought some more to simplify,simplify,simplify. I didn't want to use 5 parts when 3 would do. I subscribe to the "less is more" school of design. I like the super clean look I ended up with.
That is a really good build because you can run a lawnmower type engine for days straight. I found your thread on a thread about seized happy time motors.
I like the idea of the motorwheel. That way, I can put the electric gate wheel that was given to me to use. And I won't have to cut and/or weld a good bike frame.