8mm head stud info!

Yeah... I really got lucky with that supply of steel... when he was clearing his stuff out of the shop he told me I could have the steel and use it since he won't be needing it anymore... I couldn't say yes fast enough...

With my back the way it is now I doubt I'll take a bike like that onto the dirt... at least not the seriously rough stuff, but it would make for a killer pavement pounder. Does that guy sell these bikes as a build it yourself kit, buy the frame and add the engine, or dod it come fully built then just need a few finishing touches like the Tomar clutch and bigger carb? I love building my own stuff but I wouldn't mind buying one like that turn key either... Very well designed and looks awesome.
Ya I,m very familiar with Tomar clutches from my racing kart back ground.
Horsman was the first disc slipper clutch in kart racing, patterned off the
Brue Crower Drag racing clutch from the late 1960 on.

Then Tomar, & all the rest came on the seen.But the kart engines had
a tapered power take off side of the crank. Being I,m not familiar with
Morini & DeNardis pto shafts I did not know which would fit. I will call
them & find out my friend.

You have been a great help, Thanks Fly
I think Tomar produces a spline and or taper shaft set up.

Things to know are how to properly set up thrust washers. Important IME a healthy respect, understanding and mandatory use of loctite. I use the red. I take my clutch apart for service when the clutch is hot from a fair run. Heat is your friend then...

As for that frame? Got lucky as I managed to score two. Dunno if they make them any more? It will be a long wait should you get one. These folks made quit a bit of these. I suspect they did not make enough money for the trouble? From what I understand this fellow Dean has had a lifetime of enjoying this stuff and loves it!! The craftsman ship and function I get. One almost has to build a bike to understand. IME and Humble opinion.

As for maintaining it and it's use. That is up to the owner. No 1800 tele help hot lines with this one. lol . It is easy to understand for me anyway. They don't make enough money for this in particular to be a career. Believe he makes his moneies elsewhere?

There is one motor here.
Note not a Morini. I suspect it is not as good but really dunno? However I have not heard for sure anywhere? I think it's a practical bolt in replacement for the Morini I come to know?!!

So long story short? No Morinis left. Thinking no more BoXXer's? Still no telling what these folks are up to these days?
I've been reading EZ Rider's postings on this and see that these were all made back in '09 and 0210 so it's hard to tell if they would build anymore, but even if I could get a frame or at least a set of plans that I could bend up and weld over here, that would work as well. I'll see if any of them are still doing these or willing to sell me a set of plans.
Supposedly the DeNardis engines are really good... as good as a true Morini? I dunno, but most likely close, and most likely better than the other Morini clones.

I could probably build something close to what the Boxxers are by pictures but maybe add a little more street flare to it. I still love the dirt but after 3 back surgeries not such a good idea anymore... But these are definitely cool and in my opinion cooler than the motoped because I like the 2 stroke engines a lot better...
When I look here it looks the same kinda? I do notice the head bolt point is missing? That feature is kinda a deal breaker for me and my own thoughts.

While these two are the water kewled Morini model. They bolt up the same as the old aired cooled cousin.

I think the China knock off clone version has terrible ignition wiring? Well mebbe? There was one fellow member here that said he changed out two of those. Still goes without saying for me any way. I would get the genuine Italian one personally. Me thinks better machine work etc. I still cant say tho. That is where I think I would start.

Yet for me I've have seen the water cooled Denardis engine one step up. Nice and close and personal. I liked it a lot!
GH I can tell this about the Italian kart engines.No one makes better ones.Rotex
makes great engines also, but if those engine are like the Italian kart engines
then there worth ever penny.

Hand built in every respect. The crank wheels are not only turned but cylindrical
ground. They have removable cylinder sleeves. I could go on & on to the precision.

Yep I plan on ordering one most likely next week.
I never noticed that before about the DeNardis engines but I went back to their site and checked the 50 and 60 cc engines and they do lack the head mount... that would be a deal breaker especially if the frame is designed to use the engine as a structural member.
I'm wondering if the Malossi heads with the top mount would bolt onto these cylinders since there are some Malossi/ Motobecane heads at treatland and other sites that look just like the DeNardis exceptt they got the top mount... same for the air cooled version, a lot of them look like they may fit.... just need to find out the bolt pattern and spacing since some of them use a rectangular pattern instead of square and not all bolt spacings are the same, but with so many different ones available it might be possible one of these would fit... or fit close enough to work with some minor modification.
Definitely agree on the Rotax engines... very well built and top quality for sure. They're also the preferred engines for small homebuilt aircraft and several different ultralight brands. Cuyuna was another top brand back in the early 80's but Rotax edged them and a few others out by the late 80's. Very nice engines for sure.