80cc 1940 ZENITH with MONARK FORKS...


New Member
Hello again. This is one of my many builds that I have done,but I have used the same motor so it is my only motored bike as of now!
I used a very rare 1940's MARSHALL-WELLS ZENITH frame and a pair of beat up original MONARK springers. I put on some 3" rise Avinir mt.bike bars with a pair of vintage AME TRI bmx grips. I scored a synthetic leather tri-spring seat and a brand new(looking) Schwinn gooseneck of of an old exercise bike!
I put on a set of 26x2.125 KENDA tires with brick tread pattern. This is the most comfortable bikie I have built so far. It get's up to 36mph & goes pretty strong still considering that I bought it May 2005 !
The only things that I have had to do are ...replace the magneto , carb & throttle cable ! That's not so bad for as old as it is!





The tires look like some vintage Schwinn tires I had.

Are you planning on a custom air filter cover? ;)
thats one way to go!!!!

I cant wait to get my second build going for my girlfriend. i've got the frame and soon ill have the motor and twisted forked out springers. you da man inspiring us all, maybe you should check out my $10 classic style aircleaner hack.
my first build was a 1947 Monark. At around 100 miles, though, the weld at the head-set to down tube just gave up from the vibration and detatched while I was riding it. It could have been a big crash, but the drive chain to the motor kept the thing from taco-ing till I could stop...the lesson; old, steel-tubed, frames with butt welded or brazed joints cannot stand the vibration for too long, they were never intended to be motorized. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, just letting you know what I experienced. Had ANY of the other welds been compromised, it would have been a nasty, uncontrollable crash. Since then I have built a Felt (check out "my finished felt 1903"), the welds are super beefy. The Nirves and Electras are also extremely well fabricated frames, and all your other parts could easily be transfered over.....good luck.
I'm surprised no one else mentioned the black & white photos. Your bike already has that great 'old school' look and combined with the B&W pix, it really shines. Good looking old cruiser. Congrats on the build.
I'm surprised no one else mentioned the black & white photos. Your bike already has that great 'old school' look and combined with the B&W pix, it really shines. Good looking old cruiser. Congrats on the build.

Thank you so much! I love building bikes and I had a great time putting this one together. It is so much fun...working on a new build soon! GERRY D. FBK.
This was awsome to come accross !!! I just picked up a 1940 Zenith identical and am waiting for the rims / motor and everything else to come in (along with my monarch fork set with front disk) It was nice to come accross this after stairing at this bike for the past week wondering what the finished product will look like. Nice ride ! I have original fenders I am going to integrate but the rest is bang on. Thanks man - i realize this post was a while ago but I hope you are still riding !

All the best