8 HP Briggs Pusher build!

Ya know, when I think back on how I got into motorized bicycles it was born out of necessity. Aka lost my drivers lic for a dui. I would venture to say that holds true for at least a few of us.
Now I will be getting my lic back! I must say that this has been so much silly ass fun for the small amount of money invested I cant imagine not doing it for kicks. after all, we are just a bunch of big kids with our toys right? I like toys! Lol
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Oh yea! Plus all the learning, talking to folks and is a great distraction from real life.

Ya made me think of a thing SJN. There was a story on NPR about these guys who convert existing cars to electric. They drag race em! That would be an awesome project. I have always wanted to build a kit car. A guy in the interview/story was asked why he didn't just do that. He said "...in a crash, ya might as well be wearing a potato chip" (Said me, riding a bicycle with a pump motor, snork)

LOL@ "spelling before coffee. nuf said"
Ya made me think of a thing SJN. There was a story on NPR about these guys who convert existing cars to electric. They drag race em! That would be an awesome project.

Back when I had to put up with a bunch of engineers at work (I built prototype precision potentiometers) we had a bit of fun designing a street rod over lunch one day. We started with an Austen Healey 3000 and tossed out all the rules. What we dreamed up was a helicopter jet turbine powering a generator that would power four electric motors (one at each wheel). Now that would be a great ride at any cruise night!!!
Lookin good!
I really enjoyed your video running it with the smaller engine.
It seems like you got the handling figured out having that rig sliding sideways & only a brief dab...
Very cool!