$6500 for a chopper. worth it?

Marketing rule: If someone is selling, someone is buying.

Nobody buys it, if no one's selling it, right?
Well I would not pay that much but I am biased in that I am not into that sort of bike.

Have you any competition at that price range?
Marketing rule: If someone is selling, someone is buying.

Nobody buys it, if no one's selling it, right?

Well, no- has anyone bought one? Someone's wild idea about what someone woould buy does not mean there is a demand for the product at the price requested.

...dealerships with a huge backlog of new cars.

...dealerships with a huge backlog of motorcycles (Suzuki not importing any 2010 model street bikes last time I saw because 2009s are unsold).
lol tomorrow ima inform rocksolid engines bout this thread, customer advice is good right? also discuss things about the bike that you would like to discuss not just the price (though that seems to be the big issue) honestly i can se a price tag of $1200 as a max price i mean $2800 for the rear wheel? wtf why dont thay just go to a mag wheel car shop and order bulk on symetrical sided rims+tires would be about $900 per bike max. so far $1900 cheaper. next go to a motorcycle and buy some budget forks with suspension, in large orders should be max $700 per bike any other ideas on budget/weightloss on this bike?
People buy the Elephant Man's bone's
People buy Ridley's.
People buy OCC and West Coast butt jewelry.
People buy Lamborghinis.
Some one will buy those bikes.

ditto,you took the words right out of my mouth!!I just built & sold a $14,000.00 carbon fiber race bike with electronic shifting last week,PEOPLE WILL BUY ANYTHING!!
Fo'sho'! Last week, I sold four pennies on ebay for a total of just over 200 dollars.
Of course I offered free shipping...
If you want biger and more power and speed buy a motorcycle. Some were a bike stops being a bike and becomes a motorcycle. Lets not try to confuse the two.
If you want biger and more power and speed buy a motorcycle. Some were a bike stops being a bike and becomes a motorcycle. Lets not try to confuse the two.

I'm 47 now and been ridin bikes with motors since I was 8. I started out with minibikes, motocross,speedbikes, and now been ridin Harleys for 15 years, and motorized bikes are a whole different thing. I totally agree with lettin an MB be an MB. People have asked/told me to put on minibike engines and 125cc motors on bicycles, and it only took me a second to say "you're trippen, go buy a motorcycle"!xct2
eh Hemm...!

$750.00 if you build it yourself....
5 speeds, disc brakes, self contained lighting / charging system with brake light....and a kick start
I want to know what drugs those aussies are on.
I imagine a frame and all the goodies is expensive since the Hand Made aspect is in play but if I charge by the hour It would come to over seven thousand.
pictures are free Yea I love to look and then Hot Rod what I can scrounge around with here in sunny california Venice Motor bikes is a real west coast authority and He can make any one of these MB mods right in his shop I met him when I had hit the brick wall on my project I started with just a frame I got for 30 bucks made back in 1948 akk welded in the style that they proport to use on a ^ grand hamburgger
why would anybody pay 6500 to be the joke of the motorcycle community?

I would consider the price if it came with a few hundred more cc's.