48V 1k/w Push trailer

finally got all the components for the 1000W 48v push tailer..

BOB copy trailer, reinforced and braced and new alloy 4mm bottom
hitch squewer on rear wheel was upgraded to shimano hi ten steel

22AH agm SLA's weigh 24.4kg and are way too heavy!!

9AH agm SLA's weigh 9kg but the controller keeps hitting low voltage dropout on big hills so no good!!

LIPO is the answer but I dont want to spend the cash, sugeestions? packing yourself etc/

here is a video, big torque with the 22ah batteries



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I never used a hub on my pushers.. I always used the scooter motor so I can;t give much of an opinion. For batteries I have never had much real luck with sla either but I can't afford anything else. I just deep adding amphours and hoping for a magic formula.
I like it. Looks like awsome power. On hills, maybe pedal assist? :>) I built one using a 26 in wheel laced into a 500 watt hub. I also used the smaller sla batteries. It worked well for short runs (10 mile round trips needed pedal assist), but the climate finally got it. Constant rain got inside the hub, and it froze in the winter.....one toasted controller. I added a home made genset to mine.......range depended on how much gas I had.