4 stroking at high revs

lightly spray mist carb cleaner around the engine if the idle goes different anywhere than directly at the carb thats an air leak. A better exhaust pipe is what I think makes these motors go better. Along with port matching. Check your plug Its needs to be a chocolate brown or slightly golden . I go for the darker side don not like suprizes. If you are just running a new engine meaning not broke in go 16 to one for break in then 20-24 to one after it takes about 3 to 4 tanks burned before break in You will feel a slite bit more power after break-in.
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Four stroking is caused by an overly rich mixture. Move your needle clip up a notch and it should be better. You could also have too large of a jet.
Good Morning Joe. That Is What I Think Also. When Adjusting Chain Saws, I Run It Full Throttle And Open The High Speed Needle Till It 4 Cycles And Then Turn It In Till It Sounds Rite. That Way You Avoid A Lean Situation. Ron