4 cycling


New Member
I have eighther a 48 or a 66 cc engine and i ported the intake out and the muffer behind the back of the muffler that goes to the head.anyway the motor makes dam great power out of the hole but on top end it starts 2 four cycle and not clear out?It has more power big time you can feel it,,, so what do i need to do to get the sucker to quit 4 cycling on me and get that power out of it and it run strong when i took the baffle out then it ran super strong,, I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!brnot
4 stroking is typically due to too much fuel. You should try a smaller jet but before you do I would do a plug chop first to see what you plug looks like.
Take out the needle & move the 'C' clip up a notch or two. I usually end up moving it all the way to the top notch.
Don't worry about re-jetting until you have about 5 gallons of gas through the engine, because it will keep running better & better the more you ride it; (& you will have to re-jet it agian.)
i moved the clip up and chopped all of the inside of the muffler out and it flys now almost 35 mph no more 4 cycling anymore.wow twice the power and the spark plug is brown like it should be.now i need an expantion chamber muffler.the clip was in the middle and i moved it up one notch and that did it. it idel.s great also.