35-40 MPH, Really?

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ahhh but thats why i like big chain rings and a racing rear gearcluster for higher top speed... its only easy if you peddle slow. on your bike you hit top speed in what 200 feet??? my beater mountain bike was running 48;16 with the engine bolted to the frame for added weight the rear shifter is dosconected. i adjusted the rear shifter screws last week and am now running it in 48:11 but i now use the front derailer to shift into he smaler chain ring when my backpack is loaded with groceries and im going uphill.... 2:1 for off road nahhh i like speed and jumps and adrenalin
motorbikes rule!!!! no insurance saves me 80 bucks a month!!!! and with a 34t sprocket i get around town faster then waiting for the bus but its still to slow to ride on main streets doin 40mph = less chance of gettin hit by a car.
its a tight looking fit with that chain gong through the rear chain tensioner/changer i will say that if you try peddling to hard sing the 11t sprocket the chain does jump a tooth..... but it also did that with the original 7 speed chain... but it dosent skip when i use the correct 9 speed chain.... i was hoping to use my 26t skiptooth sweetheart sprocket in combination with a rear gear cluster but the chain is not compatible... although the 415 chain does seem to fit the skiptooth perfect.... it would be sweet to mount it on a widecrank in conjunction with an 11t or 9t rear freewheel sprocket... maybe a 27t sprocket on the engine side.... gt-2 bike with the gas tank built into the frame paddle throttle dual brakehandle with both cables operating both drum and rear v-brake also with a dual purpose front brake/clutch handle turn signals brake light headlight speedo bananna seat with the suspension sissy bars but short sisybars justt incase you gotta bail off the bike.... and possible put it in the same class as a 49cc puch
This one has gone so far off road it should be called "The dirt bike thread"....say "goodnight" Gracie.
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