2nd Annual Midwest Motorized Bicycle Cruise 2016



Active Member
May 13, 2011
Central Illinois
Yep...one week to go. Looking forward to a fantastic ride. It is supposed to be warm..so be sure to pack the sun screen and plenty of water. We will be making many stops along our route to stretch and visit. At this point in time it is forecast to be dry weather Saturday...so we will be able to take our time and really enjoy the ride.

The route will be completely different then we took last year, but just as rural with low traffic volume. All blacktop with NO gravel. Lots of little "barely on the map" towns we will be passing through.

After a day of cruising a pulled pork BBQ dinner will be provided along with cold water, soda and beer.

Anyone wishing to do any parts swapping or selling is welcome to bring whatever they want along to do any swapping or selling.

Canton, Illinois is to my south and Galesburg, Illinois is to my north and Peoria is to my east and Macomb is to my west. These are the cities closest to me that have Hotels. So anyone that might need a Hotel would probably want to look there depending on which way are traveling from. I also welcome anyone to use my yard if they just wanna pitch a tent.

Remember to pack your cameras. Would like to get alot of photos and video of our event.

I will have coffee on Saturday morning..so come as early as you wish, but we will try to get cruising around 11am and will be stopping at a Caseys to grab a snack approximately 14 miles into our ride.

Again...the address for your GPS is
307 W Harrison St
London Mills, IL 61544

CYA Saturday!!!!



Active Member
May 13, 2011
Central Illinois
We want everyone that comes to have a great day...so now would be a great time to give your bike a good going over before saturday to help minimize break downs and insure everyone has a safe ride. I will try to have several tools that may be needed just in case...but please check all those nuts and bolts and if you ride with fenders like I do give those a good looking over to. Going to be hot so check for proper inflation. I want our day to be memoable but not because of any break downs or accidents. Lets have a great ride.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
I did some maintenance on my bike today for just that reason, ckangaroo.

I have a little more to do tomorrow. Then I'll be test riding it. But I'm not concerned as it's been working well lately. It was just a few small items that had been on my 'not urgent' list.

I sure do hope, though, that I don't forget to pick up some sun screen. But maybe I'll be okay even then. I've got a pretty good tan going.


Active Member
May 13, 2011
Central Illinois
Supposed to be quite warm..so I may alter the route so we are never more then 15 mile from start...that way if someone gets hot it would not be such a long ride back to start. I will also have shade setup and plenty of cold beverages. If it is hot as they forecast then we will probably take a 15 mile ride to Avon and 15 mile back. Then we can take a 15 mile ride to Fairview and 15 mile back. That is still 60 miles of cruising but always fair!y close to starting point. Both these towns have shady parks and convienence sfores. The route I had planned before would would be better for a cooler day then forecasted. We will adjust to insure it is an enjoyable cruise and not an endurance challenge.


Feb 1, 2013
Bloomington IL
Supposed to be quite warm..so I may alter the route so we are never more then 15 mile from start...that way if someone gets hot it would not be such a long ride back to start. I will also have shade setup and plenty of cold beverages. If it is hot as they forecast then we will probably take a 15 mile ride to Avon and 15 mile back. Then we can take a 15 mile ride to Fairview and 15 mile back. That is still 60 miles of cruising but always fair!y close to starting point. Both these towns have shady parks and convienence sfores. The route I had planned before would would be better for a cooler day then forecasted. We will adjust to insure it is an enjoyable cruise and not an endurance challenge.
Any idea how many riders will be coming?


Jun 29, 2013
Columbia, Missouri
Getting my car back tomorrow from the deer hit. Got a court appointment tomorrow for a traffic violation last week. Hopefully they don't take my license... Just kidding I have never had a ticket previously so they should let me slide by I'd hope. I'll be loading up thursday night and heading to Illinois Friday for some last minute run down maintenance and then heading up there saturday morning!


Active Member
May 13, 2011
Central Illinois
Hard to say since they are calling for near record heat, but if the heat don't scare anyone off...then my best guess would be around 10 of us. I have changed the routes to take into account the hot weather. Instead of one large loop we will be doing a couple smaller loops that keep us no farther then 15 miles to the starting point. I have also chosen destinations that have air conditioned convienence stores and shaded parks. Each loop should take about an hour not including break times. We will return to the starting location between each loop to cool down. Not going to be ideal but we will just do as much or as little as we decide that day.


Active Member
May 13, 2011
Central Illinois
Myself - Ray Moore
My brother - Rory Moore
My nephew - Lee Moore
Mike and Kelly
Bluegoat and wife
There are also a few local guys that have motorized bikes that may drop by. One of those fellows has breathing problems so he generally don't cruise to far.

My brother, nephew and myself have all three of our bikes shined up and ready to cruise. My brother and I work construction for a living...so we not going to let a bit of heat keep us from riding.


Jun 29, 2013
Columbia, Missouri
Lookin forward to it! I bought a hitch and a bike rack for my car just for this! Anybody in need of any parts? I'll be bringing a random assortment of performance and regular parts just in case somebody needs or wants something.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
YesImLDS..........hmm.......interesting thought. And I might not have thought of this on my own.

I've got a few happy time kits on hand. And I think one of them is still unopened. I've ransacked the others for parts, of course. But they're not far from complete.

But anyway.......

I'll have to carry that kit along. It just might come in handy.


Active Member
May 13, 2011
Central Illinois
Yep...still plenty of time for any fellow motorbicyclist who may be on the fence to go ahead and make the decision to come join us. Planning on hosting the scarecrow run for years to come...so I hope folks will begin to just plan for it as a yearly ritual.


Jun 29, 2013
Columbia, Missouri
I'll be there every year!

ALSO as Ray mentioned. Take a look at your bikes before the cruise! I have been riding my bike quite a bit in the past couple weeks to get it broken in. Once the bike got heated up it just didn't feel right. Not four stroking by any means just a burp here a burp there. Plug looked fine, but tonight I pulled off the head and I have a serious lean condition. I don't think the recent heat has been helping either. It only takes one thing to ruin your day with these engines!

Check your plug, check your hardware, check your chain, check your wires and if you are me.... Check your welds so your header doesn't decide to almost snap off like mine last year!


Active Member
May 13, 2011
Central Illinois
Going to get a lot more video this time around and from different angles and perspectives. I will be rigged up with a chest cam, my first person view video glasses and my action cam mounted on telescoping selfie stick. My brother will also be wearing a pair of video glasses and I may put my nephew in an extra pair I have as well. Really want to capture the event from various views and put as much effort as I can to produce a good video documentary of the event.
I hope some of you guys will capture some photos and video of the event to share as well.


Jun 29, 2013
Columbia, Missouri
Going to get a lot more video this time around and from different angles and perspectives. I will be rigged up with a chest cam, my first person view video glasses and my action cam mounted on telescoping selfie stick. My brother will also be wearing a pair of video glasses and I may put my nephew in an extra pair I have as well. Really want to capture the event from various views and put as much effort as I can to produce a good video documentary of the event.
I hope some of you guys will capture some photos and video of the event to share as well.
I'll have my gopro with me if the battery can keep up! 1.5 hour battery life at 720p. If we are doing 2 rides I'll probably charge it a bit off my laptop so I can get the other ride as well! Ray using a selfie stick? I gotta see this


Active Member
May 13, 2011
Central Illinois
LoL Havnt tried riding while taking vids of my own ugly mug. Not only would tbat be dangerous but also a waste of video with my ugly mug. I actually have a clamp that you can attatch stick to that allows different perspective. The image of a guy riding down the road one handed taking selfies. Not cool. Lol