230 on a 49cc engine?

Well i'm planning on building a motorized bicycle but i'm in a bit of a financial pinch (in high school and no job i'm sure you've all been there) well my main reason for wanting to build one of these devices is that my buss driver is not very nice and there wicked sweet. lol

but anyway, at what speed would you expect a 49cc engine at a 16:1 gear ratio propel a 230 pound rider?
Well i'm planning on building a motorized bicycle but i'm in a bit of a financial pinch (in high school and no job i'm sure you've all been there) well my main reason for wanting to build one of these devices is that my buss driver is not very nice and there wicked sweet. lol

but anyway, at what speed would you expect a 49cc engine at a 16:1 gear ratio propel a 230 pound rider?

happiness is a warm gun: The screen name is disturbing enough...for someone in high school anyway.

Let's talk about the bus driver first before anything rash happens!!!

As a baby boomer, I well remember the song..dd.

230 on 49cc? Depending on many variables such as which engine, 2-stroke or 4-stroke, friction, chain or belt drive.

Also wheel diameter, hills or flat ground.
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ha i'm just a bit younger than you lol but my father played them whenever i was with him

the specs would be
engine type : 2-stroke
drive train : Chain driven gear ratio of 16:1 most likely
Welcome to the site.
You won't much care about the speed. You will want the time to ride it.
It would be a great shop project.
At 235 lbs, old schwinn cruiser, 80cc, 36 tooth sprocket, 23mph is smooth crusing, with fair amount of reserve.
i am 220+ running a huffy cranbrook and a 65.9cc 2 stroke cruise around 25 with a stock sprocket wide open throttle is not suggested for long periods of time it would be like topping your car gas pedal to the floor and never letting up imminent failure eventually. remember it is a Bicycle and not made for high speed. Make sure it has good brakes and enjoy buzzing around town and thru the trails.

there is my two cents
I'm 250. On my old 70cc with a 44t sprocket, I could do 25-30. Now that I have a shift kit, I can cruise comfortably at 33-35mph.