Just put in for the time off work........hopefully it will be approved.
Longest day trip I've done has been less than 50 miles. May have to do an 'exploratory' soon!!
If you think there might be a chance you might be able to come join us...please pm me your T-Shirt size and anyone else you might bring along. Then..even if something comes up where you are unable to make it..a few extras might not be a bad idea.
I used to live in Elk City, Oklahoma for a year back around 1991. I drove there from London Mills, IL non stop. I didn't even shut my car off once. I had a 1982 Mustang GT that had header pipes. The headers would get the starter hot and sometimes if you shut it off it wouldn't start until it cooled down. So I just kept right on rolling and drove straight thru. Of course I was a much younger man then and could go more then a few hours without having to nap like I do now.LOL
A have done four runs that were around 75 miles and many 50 mile runs. Its not too bad if you take lots of pit stops and don't allow yourself to get to sore in the bum before stopping. If you allow yourself to go too far without taking a rest and your bum becomes really sore, then it seems like you just can't recover for the rest of the day or even weeks and the ride becomes painful and NOT fun. However if you make it a point to stop often(every 10-12 miles) and walk around awhile and talk with your riding buddy for 5-10 minutes each time...then, in my experience the ride is much more easier on the backside and a much more enjoyable experience for sure.