2 kill switches broken?


New Member
So I put together my girlfriends bike and took it on a test run... it was hard to start.. then once it got going it went at full blast and the kill switch didn't kill the engine..so i took it home and replaced it with another brand new kill switch that hadn't been used..well same thing.. its hooked up right I don't really know what is wrong so if anyone knows anything..i'm asking for help once again... thanks

Those grubee 48cc engines go fast when you don't feel in control anymore :(
You said your kill switch was wired correctly but you didn't tell us how it was wired. Compare your wiring with the diagram below. Forget that white wire and grounding to the frame. Wire it like Venice said and let us know what happens.


  • Electrical Diagram , Best.jpg
    Electrical Diagram , Best.jpg
    58.5 KB · Views: 370
Wired it like the picture says,worked perfect! thank you very much! now my girlfriend zooms around and she's super happy,thank you sooo much guys!
There's nothing better in life than a super happy girlfriend...unless its a super happy wife. Glad we could help. Have fun, ride safe, both of you.