Just finished this bike for a customer/friend of mine yesterday. He took it home to add a few more minor details. The throttle is on the left side as the Indians were at that time. The suicide clutch lever is designed in such a way that it can be engaged one of two ways. It can be bumped with the knee to let it engage while keeping both hands on the bars, or it can be disengaged using the right hand. Motor is RAW 66/80. The lights still have to be hooked up to some sort of battery system not yet decided upon. The bike was a 1955 Columbia that was stored in a barn since 1959. It was a major basked case when it arrived at my shop. No fenders, no tank, and rusty.
The gas tank was made from steel and then covered with fiberglass mat to build it closer to the desired shape. Finally bondo was used to get the final shape and finish. The exhaust was made using old handlebars and welding them together. Having worked in an autobody shop years ago and also doing blacksmithng in addition to my bicycle repair business all helped in getting this project completed.
The gas tank was made from steel and then covered with fiberglass mat to build it closer to the desired shape. Finally bondo was used to get the final shape and finish. The exhaust was made using old handlebars and welding them together. Having worked in an autobody shop years ago and also doing blacksmithng in addition to my bicycle repair business all helped in getting this project completed.
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