1911 Flying Merkel single build.

Been stalled on the FM build. Between my chemo, my Mothers issues and trying to finish the 1st AVG build which is "done" but keeps throwing chains all over the place; I haven't been spending much time at Bob's shop to work on it. Maybe this week. There are things I need done by the machinest but he doesn't seem very motivated. This week if he hasn't completed what I ordered I'm pulling my parts out of his shop and going elsewhere. its been 2 months...
Boy Either I have been away Far Too Long or you are Keeping Secrets from me ( Probably Both LOL! ) WOW FREAK"N AWSOME!!!!!! WOW!
Allrighty then. I'm back at it on this build as well as the ebike project. I had the Worksman rims broken down so I could have em powdercoated a while back and the front relaced with a S/A 90mm drum. Thats it for now but at least its moving again. Baby got new orange shoes for Festivus! Im thinking Ill have time this week to mess with it a bit more.
Merkle with new shoes.jpg
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OH! And my new favorite vendor on the web is !! BUNG KING !! laff HAHAHA Seriously: Dude makes fantastic stuff and will save me hours of fabrication and hundreds of steel splinters in my skin. Tabs for making the fold around stand. Made from a repro Cycle-Truck stand and then messed with. Check out all the funky tabs tanks caps and BUNGS HERE : http://www.bungking.com/tabs/


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That orange really pops! Great to see you working on this Velo. Thanks for the link. That site is awesome.
Hope your health continues to improve. Merkle contours & now adding factory color assures me this will be a build you can be proud to display & ride as your beautiful Pope . I'll eagerly await future progress on your version of the Flying Merkle!

Rick C.
Glad to hear yer feeling better Brother I know what you going through! Just do what you can .
That Merkel is looking GOOD!
Thanks Truckd. Actually got some stuff done on it today. Tabs welded on for the saddle. Will have pics tomorrow. Still LOTS to be done before powdercoat.
Allrighty. After fiddeling about with placement of the saddle and marking and remarking and a trip to ACE for some replacement fasterners it all came togather and Bob had a bit of time to weld. Sportcarpats saddle will soon have a new place to live! I replaced the original rear mounting bits from Pats saddle for much heavier stock from ! BUNG KING ! Pat makes saddles for normal people. Im not "normal" At just under 300 lbs I would have over stressed the stock bits. These welds are DEEP and should clean up well today.
FM pre tabs.jpg
saddle tab 1.jpg
saddle tab 2.jpg
Bung tab.jpg
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The way things worked out between the frame and saddle and tire / wheel arangment; I decided to splay out the rear tabs so I would always have tire clearence from the inner nut for the rear saddle stays. Looks odd I know but after messing about with every combination yesterday this was the best solution for this particular build. Gotta git me a BUNG SHIRT! AAA AHAHAHAHA
rear tab 1.jpg
rear tab 2.jpg
rear tab 3.jpg
Bung shirt 1.0.jpg
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There have been a lot of hands to work on this bike with High Quality Stuff! WoW! and it looks like it too>> Everything Looks GREAT! What a bike you have Bro.
Kinda like Johnny Cash's Song about his Cadillac " I got it one piece at a time " WoW! Velo I am truly Impressed!
Thanks Truckd. Im off to go work on it some more now. Hope you and the wife are moving to improved health this holiday season and the new year. Im certainly feeling better. And so is my bladder now the doctor is done removing bits of it the hard way! laff
My wife is recovering better then expected, I am dealing with it best I know from my experience . Life ! Makes you look at it totally different at time like these.
I am seriously Blown away with the Merkel WoW!
Hope Everyone is doing well! I heard a rumor that a "Bike Show" was going on along with a swap meet and someone bought 2 trophies for $25 ...that's a deal. Now on a side note my bike made the pages of VMBC magazine from Portland. That's cool and Congrats on the 2 trophies you won!!! It's a big deal to take 2 let alone one.I had to mess with ya a Little! You know you got some cool rides..............
Managed to play today! Bunch of prep and layout waiting for Bob. I decided to box in the repurposed Cycle-Truck stand for strength and safety. Bought some 1" stock and went at it with torch vice and hammer. Should weld up nice.
boxing stand 1.jpg
boxing stand 2.jpg
boxing stand 3.jpg
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