1901 olds replica

Sounds like a blast with 3 exclamation marks!!!!

Let me know the date asap and hopefully I don’t have a conflict!

As far as i know canoe fest is june 7-9 th ,ill prob be going up a few days early to secure a campsite . The parade is on the 9th so the road runs will be on fri and sat .
So thats the plan for now ...
Yea i know all the guys will get a bick kick outa your EX , i keep dreaming of a barn find someday...?i just love the old bikes and this hobby has lett me (in my mind at least ) ride
Like the boys back in the day . Citys like darlington saw these bikes the first time around ,once you have the bike ,your buddys, and then period app. Setting ! Its alot of fun...
https://www.dropbox.com/s/h3aq6iygskjfxo8/Photo Dec 07, 13 41 48.jpeg
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xu0zn2ja4k6v16t/Photo Mar 27, 7 57 08 PM.jpg
I got this one spot next to a little brick wall in mineral point i love to hang there and people watch and the bikes always get some comments...so thats the north end of our runs so far .
Were gona try (fingers crossed ) get a few campsites in downtown darlington
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0kv3f5azav6bwj8/Photo Mar 27, 8 03 48 PM.jpg
We try and get the sites in these little woods and run north on county z ,ill make a route map shortly...
Let’s touch base on this closer to the event, I may bring another rider... :-)

The East & West coast MBer’s have annual rides, perhaps this could be the start of a Midwestern tradition...??


With the event coming up soon I thought I’d fire this thread up again...

I’m definitely in for the Saturday the 8th country cruse- Weather permitting!

Sunday- Maybe...?

Let us know the details when you’re ready.




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