1” Downtube on Older Cruiser Frame Question.


New Member
I have an old Murray Westport cruiser. The frame is 1” all over. When I dry fitted the motor, the front mount seemed way bigger than the diameter of the down tube. Is there a spacer for older frames available to bring the thickness of the downtube up to better mate with the front mount? I haven’t been able to find any info about this either here or on the internet at large. Seems like it would be a common problem for older cruiser bikes. I did see that there is a 1.08 rear mount that is available.
Welcome to the forum, I had to make a front mount for several that I built. I needed to raise the engine to clear the chain guard, several of the advertisers of this forum sell the mount as well.
Thanks Greg,
I see that CNC universal mount from sellers, but it looks like the ID is still 1.5”. I guess I’ll need to fashion something up.
What I do is find a u-bolt that fits the frame and go from there, I’ve used flat stock on some , angle on others.