road bike

  1. C

    MTB for Heavy Riding

    I want to climb hills with a bike. I need advice on the best bike for cycling in the mountains. I found a website while I searched for information on it. There were 5 mountain bikes reviewed. However, I'm not really sure which is...
  2. F

    Huffy Ultima with Lifan 79cc

    Hey guys thought I'd show some of my progress with this bike. Found it at the thrift store for 40 bucks, already had the Lifan 79cc from a mini bike that I salvaged, and thought I'd try a shifter build. It's just a 3hp engine so I think it's tame enough for the SBP bearings. I am just about...
  3. L

    Ever been run off the road?

    I've been run off the road twice now in the last few years keeping over close to the shoulder to alow cars to get by where most drivers will move a bit over to be safe, both my hit and run drivers didn't think I had the right.. I can only guess, and ran me off in to the curb where I crashed...
  4. L

    Ever been run off the road?

    I've been run off the road twice now in the last few years keeping over close to the shoulder to alow cars to get by where most drivers will move a bit over to be save, both my hit and run drivers didn't think I had the right I can only guess, and ran me off in to the curb where I crashed once...
  5. bluck

    JackShaft Kit Compatible Bikes

    I was looking into starting a new build on another bike and wanted a list of compatible Road/Mountain bikes that are stock(or require minimal[cheap] modifications to the rear shifting mechanism ie. not having to buy nuvinci hub) that can accommodate a jack shaft kit. I currently have a schwinn...
  6. S

    The Admiral (pictures)

    Here's the 20xx Schwinn Admiral + 80cc HT. She's not the prettiest or the fastest but damn, I love this bike. Already making the lady jealous and afraid ;P admiral: Unfortunately, this is not the Admiral of yore, but a modern replica courtesy of Sprawlmart. It is, however, made of steel and...
  7. T

    Hi! New member from northeast Indiana ..

    I've been a cyclist for 6 years or so, and was even able to ride 3,700 miles in 2009 (under my own power lol). I'm just learning about the new engine kits available, some are really slick! Anyways, I picked up a used Specialized road bike a few years ago for commuting purposes, and am tossing...