mountain bike

  1. C

    MTB for Heavy Riding

    I want to climb hills with a bike. I need advice on the best bike for cycling in the mountains. I found a website while I searched for information on it. There were 5 mountain bikes reviewed. However, I'm not really sure which is...
  2. A

    How to buy the correct bike for the engine kit

    Hello, I’m quite new to this thread. Sorry if I do not follow any specific format. I’m looking at buying a bike for my kit but due to a covid lockdown I cannot go into stores and see if the engine fits the frame. Does anyone have know of any specific models of mountain bikes that are available...
  3. J


    Hey there! This bike of mine is my first build of my own. I first started with my friends bike. me being the one with all the tools and know how of mechanical parts. So he is my bike. Its a 29 inch Jeep mountain bike. front disc and rear v breaks. before I put the engine on it I road down the...
  4. K

    Need a mount for predator 212cc! Please Help!!

    i have a mongoose xr 75 (24 inch) bike with me, i want a rack with engine mount so i can mount the predator(harbor freight engine) 212cc on its back and ride it, i am kind of a newbie, i have built just one 50cc 4 stroke in my life, so please help. or some mount that will help me mount a motor...
  5. G

    my first build parkpre cafe racer

    build is almost done. I have gone through 2 exhausts due to crappy welding. This one i just stripped down to nothing. Man that engine is so much happier!!! Build is almost done. couple of new tires to slap on and small pad to tack on the seat. xct2...
  6. T

    Mountain or Cruise?

    Hello everyone!! I am trying to decide whether i should use a cruiser or mountain bike, and was hoping you all would give me your opinions and ideas. The engine i decided to purchase is the 49cc 4G T-Belt Hua Sheng engine kit. I have a choice between two bike, 26'' Men's Schwinn Point Beach...
  7. N

    2nd Build, Motorized Mountain Bike

    This is my 2nd motorized Bike build, first had this motor on a single speed road bike but the ride was just awful, and i was popping my tires every week so i decided to move on. this is my new ride. im extremely proud of this build. i used two muffler clamps and a strip of metal to mount the...
  8. C

    Help me build my 4 storke motor bike

    i have bought a new engine kit 4 stroke rear mount from and i have a 2007 specialized bike extra small and i realized on the back thatyou have to have the big bolt not quick release so i just said **** with it i should use a new bike because my specialized is really worn...