manic mechanic

  1. N

    Histop HD Coaster wheel with MM adapter keeps going out of true

    I have a Histop Heavy duty coaster rear wheel with the manic mechanic adapter on it and somehow the wheel keeps going out of true after about 50-75miles.:-|| I could imagine this happening with a rag joint but with the MM adapter i havn't a clue as to what would be causing this? I've even...
  2. S

    Manic Mechanic Adaptor Slipping??? Help???

    Hi all. i have a manic mechanic hub adaptor and noticed that it slips, resting on the spoke even after putting a rubber shim and tightening all the way. If you have any ideas to stop the slipping please let me know. it's the last fix i need to do on the bike and it would extremely...
  3. A

    Manic Mechanic sprocket mods?

    Hey guys. Just got my Manic Mechanic hub adapter and sprocket (piratecycles ). They are both amazing, fit like a glove, and are so well made they're almost a little sexy. That being said, my sprocket's teeth are too big to fit the chain supplied with the kit. I'm planning on ordering a...
  4. H

    Manic Mechanic Get II Head vs Pirate Cylce's Aftermarket Head

    I would like to consider upgrading my head on my Grubee GT-5 and was wondering if anyone has tried either of these heads and what their experience has been? I'm looking for a little extra power and speed, and wondering if it would be worth it over the regular china slant head on the Grubee...
  5. hawaii_87

    CNS+MM Intake= Holy $@*# (Wait did I just get bleeped)

    So for anyone who blasts the CNS carb. YOUR LAZY!!! Yeah sorry your lazy. You want something that's plug and play, and no tuning involved.Sorry bub not going to happen with your bike. Pair the CNS to a MM Billet Intake and ditch the spacer and you got one helluva fast ride. I got a CNS and spent...
  6. N

    Anyone tried Manic Mechanics Gen II Head?

    hey i came upon this aftermarket head called the manic mechanics gen II head Manic Mechanic Gen II Head and was wondering if anyones tried it and did they get any performance improvements. i was considering shaving the block of the engine or even the head to raise compression on my engine...
  7. B

    Hub adaptors or rag joints - new resource

    I just love this country. Free enterprise is a heavenly state of being. I ordered a hub adaptor from an online motorized bike dealer which only stocks 3 sizes. One of them said it was for a Schwinn 7 speed coaster bike which I am using. (Modus 1.182" to 1.187") My bad for not actually...