ktm 50

  1. B

    Question about usability

    So, I have a build planned, that will use a 500w rear motor, a 250w front motor, and a KTM50. My question is about the KTM50, since I've been reading lately and it seems like it is a complete un-tamable monster of an engine, and getting it to be able to cruise around in is difficult to say the...
  2. K

    Ktm 50 Clutch, Exhaust and Jackshaft

    Hey guys I recently placed an order of ktm 50, so i will be getting it in a week!!!!! Cant wait!!. This is the bike i got http://www.ironhorsebikes.com/hard-tail/2012-yakuza-5-1 Some info about the bike.... 1) Engine type: single-cylinder, 2-stroke, air-cooled 2) Piston...
  3. DJS

    Question about an LEM LX2 SX50

    I've finally finished getting my KTM 50 motor installed with jackshaft onto my GT LTS1 bicycle frame and beefed it up with a go cart jackshaft because the kit I got from Sick Bikes torqued and twisted into a crazy messed up pile of metal after I gave that KTM 50 some high rpms and tore out of...