
  1. P

    Best 4 stroke 38 - 49cc kits for beginner, first build

    I'm brand new to motor bicycling. I have a sixthreezero evryjourney bike (, I want to install a 49cc or less kit. I've been looking at KMB, BikeBerry, and most recently, Golden Eagle. I'm trying to compare a kit...
  2. Matty Skacore

    Honda motors

    So I have seen these Honda motors for go karts and minibikes and started thinking about mounting them on a bicycle. Has anyone done this before and what are the results? speed, mpg, power, problems. The motor I'm looking at is a Honda GXH 50 and it has 2.1 HP. Any help or info would help...
  3. S

    Honda versus Huasheng w Belt Drive Trans

    TOTALLY new to this but want to build my first motorized bike. Picked up a nice Genesis Astra 7 speed bike at Walmart for $139 on sale. Solid AL bike with space for a 4 stroke. Read online that I should cut some conduit to use behind engine clamps during mounting to spread the load of the...
  4. F

    Has anyone used a Honda xr80 motor?

    Been wanting to do a boardtracker build.Picked up a Worksman bicycle and trying to find a four stroke.Found an xr80 motor at scrap yard.Has anyone used one of these,if so I would really appreciate some pics.Thanks
  5. K

    Predator UPDATED Safety does it look safe, made the frame myself? laff .trk
  6. M

    Honda GX35 Frame Mounted Cruiser

    I've been lurking for awhile now and I thought it time to start a build thread. This is my first build. This will be pretty much a real-time thread, as I am just beginning the build process. Since this is my first post I thought it appropriate to outline what I intend to do, what decisions...
  7. F

    100cc Honda Boardtrack

    Started with an American Flyer "Coast" beach cruiser. The engine is out of a 2004 Honda xr100r, with a five speed tranny. This actually is not going to be a motorbike. It's going to be pedal-less. I still am not sure about my Hub, and Brake selection. Re-Weld monarch springers and put a disc...