
  1. TheNecromancer13

    Dog clutch question

    So I was looking around the other day and I came across this DIY 2 speed dog clutch: Here's a closeup: It looks like a useful (and cool) thing to add to my...
  2. McChicken Messiah

    HF 212cc capable reverse gearbox?

    I'm mounting a HF 212cc Predator with the crank facing right, and I need to reverse the PTO. The engine must be mounted this way, or I'll have to do some serious hackery to the frame, which I would really prefer not to do (I don't have the proper tools to fit the frame for left crank facing...
  3. K

    Clutch 56 teeth burn out

    Hi guys, i have a question... I have a max torque clutch with 13T on it and i have a 56T sprocket on the back wheel.... and using a #41 chain connectiong booth will this burnout my clutch It is a Harbor freight Predator 212 cc engine on it Or should i make a gear reduction box...
  4. D

    Used Qmatic Wanted

    My stock wet chain transmission is slowly coming apart in its teardrop casing of death. I need me some real American made quality! .flg. Anyone looking to get rid of their used Qmatic? Condition doesn't matter to me as long as its functional. All the hardware the transmission comes with would be...
  5. D

    Qmatic & HS Top Speed?

    I'm looking into purchasing the Qmatic and am wondering what kind of setup will give me the highest top speed. My stock HS will get me up around 32-33 with a little shove to get going. Not great bottom end but I never have to peddle. I'm basically looking for the same thing from the Qmatic. A...
  6. B

    Best gearbox to replace hoot

    I have an HS 4 stroke with the "new" single chain hoot. I keep burning up clutches. I would like to replace the hoot with a good gearbox...durability is more important than price. I understand that my motor has a short shaft and that limits my possibilities. I've researched the forums and...
  7. D

    NEW EZM Motors Silent Drive 4 Stroke Engine & gearbox kit

    You cannot beat this amazing price for this new kit plus over $100 in extra parts (things like in-frame tank, wide cranks, etc.) EZM Motors Silent Drive 4 Stroke Engine & gearbox kit - eBay (item 160518574224 end time Dec-19-10 10:10:07 PST) VERY low starting price of $489 plus shipping...