
  1. A

    Do Dellorto or Mikuni jets fit?

    I am going to order a couple jets for my bike, I ordered ones for motorised bikes but they are m4 not m5 thread, and I can't find any m5 ones specifically for motorised bikes, so I was wondering if m5 jets for a dellorto or mikuni will fit? The engine is just a cheap chinese 80cc with the stock...
  2. J

    Dellorto clone

    I replaced the stock nt with a good quality dellorto clone. Seems to idle well, maybe a little high. Sputters in mid range and bogs down bad top end. I've lost considerable power. Ideas? Too rich?
  3. jolfstn

    Runtong vs. Dellorto SHA

    hi. On the last 3 of my builds, I've sworn by the Runtong built Dellorto SHA clones, it's the most dramatic improvement over the stock carb in performance, throttle response, torque, etc. It seems they wear out fairly quickly though. after about 3 months of use first the auto-choke fails, then...
  4. L

    FS Dellorto 21mm phbg racing, plus parts

    used 2500 miles. mostly stored inside. 2 years. i tried to use it on my scooter, and it was too small for my bike. its got a pull choke. and everything it came with stock. i got the...
  5. M

    Do you think i am lying ?!?, i would...

    So i have an extra Intake manifold siting in the junk box's, and i got a wild hair you know where and decided to try something on my junker bike :) ''test bike'' and so i took the stock manifold and Where it comes off the cylinder wall and goes upward then makes a bend to level out the carb...
  6. J

    Dellorto SHA Clone Review

    I recently received a dellorto sha carburetor clone for christmas. The first thing I noticed about the carburetor is that it was the almost the same size as the stock carburetor. The cone air filter it came with does make it slightly larger, and had to be bent slightly to fit, which was easy...
  7. PatTheThird

    ThatsDax rt High Performance Carburetor

    I have used both the NT and CNS. Both were fairly tempermental and neither performed very well, especially at high RPM. I just installed my Dax rt 15mm carb. I have heard that its a clone of a 15 mm Dellorto carb. Going to the Dellorto website pretty much confirms this. They look just alike...