
  1. breath_easy13

    can you tell me if this engine is compatible w frame?

    theres really no description but i love this frame, and i want to know if this 80/100cc zeda will fit perfect on the motor mounts. also, does anyone know what max tire size this frame can fit, 26 x 2.25 ? i cant find the specs anywhere, but i would love it was 26 x 2.25 frame...
  2. bluck

    JackShaft Kit Compatible Bikes

    I was looking into starting a new build on another bike and wanted a list of compatible Road/Mountain bikes that are stock(or require minimal[cheap] modifications to the rear shifting mechanism ie. not having to buy nuvinci hub) that can accommodate a jack shaft kit. I currently have a schwinn...
  3. F

    Compatible Full-suspension frames

    Hey guys (and possibly gals), I know many of us want to make full suspension builds, and may not have the time or resourced or will to make a custom frame that can mount an HT engine, so I thought it would be a good idea to list all full-suspension frames compatible with the in-frame mounted...