How to insert a piston in a China Girl Motor


Well-Known Member
Not that kind of China Girl pervert, I'm talking about a motor bicycle LOL.

This is the easy way to install the piston in the cylinder of a china girl.

First, make sure the arrow on the top of the piston is facing forward.

Next, position the rings on the piston so the ring end gaps straddle the lock pins located in the ring lands. The reason for the lock pins is to prevent the rings from rotating during operation, which might allow a ring end to snag on one of the port windows, breaking the ring.

Now, before you can slide the piston into the cylinder, you must compress the rings. A very easy way to accomplish this, is with a plastic duct strap commonly used to connect air conditioning flex ducts. If you can't find duct straps in stores, go to any air conditioning company, and ask if you can buy a duct strap. They'll probably give you a couple for free if you ask nice.

Position the strap around the piston like this, carefully making sure both rings are under the strap, and the ring end gaps are still straddling the lock pins. Now cinch the strap tight enough around the piston to fully compress the rings.



Now you're ready to install the piston in the cylinder. Slid the cylinder down on the cylinder studs, far enough to insert the top of the piston into the bottom of the cylinder. With one hand hold the piston, while lightly tapping the cylinder down on the piston with your other hand. The cylinder should easily slide down onto the piston. After both rings are inside the cylinder, remove the duct strap by inserting a small screwdriver into the locking mechanism on the strap, and remove the strap from the piston. If you don't plan on reusing the strap, you can also just cut the strap with a wire cutter.

Now the cylinder can be pushed the rest of the way on the motor block. You know the rest.
Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

I prefer to use tie wraps or zip ties whichever you want to call them. I can pick up 100 of them for $1. Have many more uses than just a ring compressor. There almost as good as having a roll of duct tape. Actually they look to be the same thing anyway. I've always found it's a good idea to lube up the piston and cylinder before installing they slide much better.
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Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

i'm with goat herder. just pinch it tight and slowly weasel it in there.
Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

I prefer to use tie wraps or zip ties whichever you want to call them. I can pick up 100 of them for $1. Have many more uses than just a ring compressor. There almost as good as having a roll of duct tape. Actually they look to be the same thing anyway. I've always found it's a good idea to lube up the piston and cylinder before installing they slide much better.

You're right, they're just a little bigger version of a wire ty.
Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

But if you don't have any or can't get to the store, there are options.

I prefer to use tie wraps or zip ties whichever you want to call them. I can pick up 100 of them for $1. Have many more uses than just a ring compressor. There almost as good as having a roll of duct tape. Actually they look to be the same thing anyway. I've always found it's a good idea to lube up the piston and cylinder before installing they slide much better.

Where for a buck?
Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

i was doing this at the age of twelve when I got into a 4H class. A oil ring on a four smoke is a bit more unforgiving because it has two very thin tiny halves but a tiny two smoke motor no problem as those rings are not hard at all to compress an a finger nail will getum..

I am at the better side of six foot tall and got thick club man hands from years of hard labor and bashing them turning wrenches etc.. . i guess i just leave enough dirty untrimmed finger nails to occasionally pick my nose clean lol. Just Joking My nails are well trimmed always. Until I have a ton of wicked hot chili peppers to pick in the garden. Then a little bit of thumb and index finger works to pick them fast.

What I don't like about the cable tie method is i can't watch the rings go in, in a mind full proper fashion. The peace of mind that i did not even for a minute moment force anything. With just two fingers ''thumb and index'' I can totally finesse it perfect and see everything that is going on and just peacefully as can be slip that jug right on before one can even get their paws on a cable tie! I don't even have to talk dirty to it or use my favorite work shop curse words. :)dnut
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Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

Where for a buck?

The Great Canadian Dollar Store. That is it's actual name. Trust me i'm not making this up. They don't come in fancy colors just your basic white. A little Krylon plastic paint fixes that though.
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Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

The Great Canadian Dollar Store. That is it's actual name. Trust me i'm not making this up.

LOL, I guess I'll just have to make the trip to "THE GREAT CANADIAN STORE" and pick up a pack :>)

We pay 3 bucks for them....
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Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

3 bucks still isn't a bad price. I'd pay it if i had to
Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

Wait til ya get a pack of cable ties that 9 of them break until you get a good onelaff

I have been using the black cable ties from Harbor Freight lately they work great. I have not broke a single tie in the whole pack.
Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

Wait til ya get a pack of cable ties that 9 of them break until you get a good onelaff

I have been using the black cable ties from Harbor Freight lately they work great. I have not broke a single tie in the whole pack.

That is great to know, was wondering about them. Do you have the cable tool (abt $5.00 w/coupon)

3 bucks still isn't a bad price. I'd pay it if i had to
I do and a assortment or them.
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Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

Wait til ya get a pack of cable ties that 9 of them break until you get a good one

Hasn't happened to me yet. But still leaves 90 left in the pack. Don't have a Harbor Freight here that i know of. Princess Auto sounds like it's about the same thing though.
Call me a pervert but i'd rather hear about the other China girl
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Re: How to insert a piston in a China Girl

Aside from a duct ty, I haven't seen a wire ty that was wide enough to compress both rings at the same time. There may be some, I just haven't seen one yet. A duct ty, or duct strap, actually is just a bigger stronger wire ty.