Well-Known Member
I knew when I bought the HF engine last week I wouldnt be able to leave it on the shelf like I told my wife. Wanted to build a centered rear drive instead of the usual offset. I also wanted to use a Maxtorque auto clutch. So what is happeneing here is the first stages. This is pretty much mock up, the rest of the parts wont be here until Wed/Thurs., so no real dimensions are set yet but it is close. The engine will drive a roller via a belt and jackshaft, the roller(another cheap n easy) will be positioned just ahead of the rear brakes riding on a shaft and two pillow bearings. The engines belt will be a spring loaded idler affair and swapping pulley sizes around will allow me to over/under/1:1 drive the roller. The only engine control will be a throttle and kill. This is more ballanced than an offset, though they are no problem. It sits contentedly on the flimsy cheap a$$ stock stand(gonna change it for sure though) where as the offset motor bike would be on its side. I am interested to see what kind of engeering curves this one will throw. Sorry about the 1 bad pic.