Project parts bike


New Member
Hey, I'm Eric. I'm from Michigan and I'm new to the entire motor biking scene, but I am fascinated by it. I plan on building a motor bike right after I get a few things sorted out.

I work at a bike shop in Novi and so I've got the hook up with some bike parts. My boss is hooking me up with a frame and another coworker is hooking me up with a fork and components, so I'm really excited about that.

I was reffered to a site called bicycle engine kit, bike engine, bicycle engine, bicycle motor and after poking around here I've noticed some of you are dealing with them. That is where I plan to order my engine from (the 65 cc frame mount(I wish there was an 80 lol))

I was wondering if anyone could offer up some reviews about the retailer. one ofmy co workers orderd his engine from there and he let me ride his bike around a bit today. it was a blast.

My other question is, Since I plan to commute with the bike I'd need to know laws and such reguarding motor bicycling. Is the bike street legal? Is it considered a bike or a moped? (or some other classification..) do I need to have any registration, lights or fancy doo-dads to make it legal? And what is the law reguarding helmets and the motor bicycling?

any and all answers are apreciated.

i live in michigan also. laws are that it is a moped and you are supposed to get it registered. i have not done that yet but it is only $15.00 for a 3 year sticker. remember they do not put the size of the motor on the engines and their is no way to tell what size they are unless you pull the piston out. you have a 48 cc if you say more then 50cc it will be considered a motorcyle. :D glad to have you with us. i personally do not think the police will bother you long as you are not out making trouble.
i live in michigan also. laws are that it is a moped and you are supposed to get it registered. i have not done that yet but it is only $15.00 for a 3 year sticker. remember they do not put the size of the motor on the engines and their is no way to tell what size they are unless you pull the piston out. you have a 48 cc if you say more then 50cc it will be considered a motorcyle. :D glad to have you with us. i personally do not think the police will bother you long as you are not out making trouble.

thanks :]

any idea on what the law for helmets is?

and what kind/ size engine are you running?
i am running a 70 cc and i wear a regular bicycle helmet. not sure on the helmet law but i wear a helmet when pedaling also. i have had a couple police stop me in parking lots just because they thought the bicycle was cool and asked me questions about building one. i don't think you will have any problems and if you do act dumb and polite and get a sticker. at least that's my plan. i am good at acting dumb lol

For starters, there are no 80cc kits, they are all 67.5cc's despite what is hyped, er, advertised...the one's he sells as 70cc's are the plain bearing engines, the ones he sells as 65cc's are a roller bearing engine- both as good as the other.

That seller you are reffering to is very good with service and his prices are right on I've gotten three kits from him and the only (very small) problem I had was rectified right away. (one kit came minus the tensioner and he sent one out double quick)
Hey there Turner, I'm also from MI about the pinkey knuckle on your Michigander map:p. When I first got into these bikes about four years ago, I ask one of our local cops what the laws were and it was his understanding that as long as it was under 50ccs I didn't need to do anything special. I live in a very small town and have not had any issues in four years but if you want to be sure I would go Cruisers route. As far as helmets go as long as you are older than 18 you are not required to wear one. Welcome to the group and let us know when you get your bike...Kelly:ride2:
Ask yourself if you want a two cycle or 4cycle engine. Very popular engines are the Honda, Mitsubishi, Robin-Suburu, and Tecumsa. Would you perfer a chain drive, roller-drive (simpilist), or belt drive. Is weight an issue. A motor between your legs is usually heaver than the rear mounted. Do you want you engine to come w brackets or can you make them? Does your bike have rear suspension re; mountain bike?