I love that bike path as well. I used to park at the school on the road that goes down to the military housing, near the Dodge dealer in Pearl City. That crazy lady had a lean-to behind the bushes maybe 1/4mile from the park towards town on the left side of the path. When she heard us coming, she started yelling then came out on the path. Dang! Poor Mel got scared out of her wits. I wanted to.....well, I'm a Daddy, you know what I Dwanted to do to that nut case. Nobody would have missed her either.
Retiring, eh? Good for you. I thought the apartments in the pics looked like military housing. I used to work for the Navy PWC. Good, though, I won't have to worry too much about rushing my project, then.
My racing days are long gone. Used to race a bug and helped out with a bunch of guys who pioneered engine tech for Toyota drag racing on Oahu in the early 80's. I was into small cars and engines.
Was a lot cheaper. I got hooked on altereds back in the 60's when some friends and I would hit the Saturday night drags at the old Hawai'i Raceway Park. There was only a couple, but they put on a good show.
Speaking of 5-7, where's da buggah. I'd like to get a first hand report on the conditions of that bike path. I'd like to take the family out for an outing.