Local show



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2019
So Cal
That's a great looking stable of bikes ya got there, Oldbiscuit
I got a couple car and M/c show stories to share

I always like to ride my Whizzer M/B to car & M/C shows too.
There are many around my local area in SOCAL

Back in 2014 I rode my Whizzer to a local Car and M/C show and parked it by my friends 1970 Challenger who was entered in the show
As the judges were walking around judging the M/Cs and came to my Whizzer they asked "Who's bike is this it doesn't have a registration card on it" I said "it's my bike and it's not entered"
The judge said "too bad nice bike" After a while one of the judges came back and asked me questions about my Whizzer. I told him it was a Repop Whizzer Made in Taiwan that I had rebuilt. As the judge was walking away he said " It's still not to late to enter" I took that as a hint Paid the $20 and entered my Whizzer. When it was time to call out the M/C trophies
First was Best Modern Harley
Second was Best Vintage Harley
Third was Best Metric Cruiser and they called out my Whizzer.
This was a fun day as my friends 1970 Challenger won Best of Show. We both came home winners.

I always like to talk with the Old timers who admire my Whizzer They tell me stories of when they had a Whizzer



My friend Ed 1970 Challenger won Best of Show We both came home winners.
This was a fun day

At another car show in Temecula CA 2011. I was told by several people to bring my Whizzer to the After the Show "Show us your Wheels" Where anything with wheels could enter.
Entry was free and I entered my Whizzer. This was another fun day
When it was time to give out the Trophies the announcer said " We have something her that is so cool were going to give it a Runners up Prize" They called out my Whizzer and gave me a his and hers gift basket of Harley apparel.

Once again I have the most fun talking to old timers who had a Whizzer when they were young



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2019
So Cal
I was told by the sponsees that if I would pay a $20 entry for each I would probably win a trophy, but I didn’t feel like paying to have people admire the bikes.
Yea I know what ya mean, I would never think of entering a show just to have people admire my bike. I walk around with my Whizzer because these shows are about 1/4 mile long
I just park my bike in different areas and it becomes part of the show. That's the most fun.
I've had my Whizzer for 16 years and I ride her to 3 or 4 shows every year in my local area.
But that one show the judge was hinting pretty hard that I should enter so I did Just for fun.
She got her pic in the paper too. I treasure that Trophy. It was a total surprise.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2019
So Cal
Wrench, I can imagine the fellas seeing your Whizzer and going down memory lane.

Talking to the Old Timers is the most fun for me I love to listen to their stories.

I usually park the bike and pretend like it's not mine at first just to hear then discribe what it is Then I tell em that it's my bike and start it up for em.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2008
They have started up back here again, Back to the Fifty's was on again, although vender count was down there was still 11,000+ cars entered. Like Wrench said think they were hunger for some action. I was going to rent a mobility scooter, but got there to late, 80 year old bones had to walk it all............Curt