What size carb should I use?


New Member
I'm runnin a port and polished china girl 80, with a fred head and kx80 expansion chamber exhaust with ( I think, its been awhile) 36T sprocket. She's been runnin the stock NT with the choke half open, and I was thinking she could handle about an 18mm instead of the stock 14mm. Anywho, I just scored a fantastic deal on a complete and operational mikuni 20, and am hopeful it will work. If it dont, I will resell it, but I would like to hear your thoughts on whether you think it will work or not. Thanks.
That 20mm MIkuni should work well, but you'll have to re-jet it. (& you'll also have to get a manifold for it).

Now... reading that you have to have the choke 1/2 on on your stock carb tells me that you need to re-jet that one too!
I agree familiarize yourself with jetting first and get your stock carb runNing good because once you step into the bigger carbs it's a whole different ball game you have not only a main jet you also have a idle or "slow" jet as well as an air/fuel mixture screw and the slide needle and there is a certain order in which you must tune each one I won't get into huge detail on that becausend it would take too many pages and time to explain. Just get a grip on jetting your stock carb first. You have to learn to walk before you can run my friend. Good luck
That 20mm MIkuni should work well, but you'll have to re-jet it. (& you'll also have to get a manifold for it).

Now... reading that you have to have the choke 1/2 on on your stock carb tells me that you need to re-jet that one too!
That 20mm MIkuni should work well, but you'll have to re-jet it. (& you'll also have to get a manifold for it).

Now... reading that you have to have the choke 1/2 on on your stock carb tells me that you need to re-jet that one too!
I just got a Mikuni but it's only 17mm so it will fit on my piston type reed valve. I haven't tried it yet, I don't have any other jets except stock and I'm not even sure what size the stock jets are. I'm certain I will have to change at least the main one.
i prefer the nt or nt clones for simplicity. they also preform better than the other carbs i tried. the other carbs have advantages, but i still prefer the power the nt carb gives over the others, also again the simplicity of the nt carb.

edit: i also run a custom manifold on my bike i built myself. it's longer and fatter, then shrinks down to match the intake port. gives me a sweet low and mid range, great torque for the hills and trails. welded it up myself, i love it.